David Boles wrote:
Hash: SHA1
Karl Larsen wrote:
Ah well, I wonder if you wound up with proper .iso files or were they
.iso.tmp? And it is not clear to me that jigdo is really working for
Fedora yet.
Jigdo on Fedora, the CLI version, works just fine Karl. The GUI version,
Jigsaw, actually has a popup window warning you that it is buggy and
does not work well.
So? You are doing something wrong.
In a terminal, as 'you', cd to /home/<user> This takes a lot of space)
Put the DVD in your DVD drive and check that it mounts.
This will line wrap here but this is all one one line and there is a
space between jigdo-lite and http://)
(jigdo will download the jigdo configuration files for the Fedora 8 updates)
When the questions come up pick the DVD you want to update (6 is Fedora
8 i386 DVD)
When the third question comes up type /media (nothing else just /media)
Jidgo will scan your DVD, compare the packages with it's list, take the
packages from the DVD that have not changed and put them in the template
file. Jigdo will then download the updated files and put them in the
template file. When it is done it will create your new DVD.iso.
I know that this works. I have done it five times just out of curiosity.
Once in Fedora 8. Once in Fedora Rawhide. Once in a Virtualbox Fedora
Rawhide Guest running on a Host Fedora Rawhide. Once in Windows XP Pro.
And once in a Virtualbox Fedora Rawhide Guest running on a Windows XP
Pro Host. Success=5. Failures=0.
- --
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OK fine David. I did it EXACLY like you say using 6 and it worked
fine but had to stop it funny with Ctrl-c. But the result is on a DVD
and it looks good! Since you have had success I will return to my manual
Karl F. Larsen, AKA K5DI
Linux User
#450462 http://counter.li.org.
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