John Summerfield wrote:
[root@potoroo mail]# yum list apt
Loading "refresh-updatesd" plugin
Loading "basearchonly" plugin
Installed Packages
apt.x86_64 0.5.15lorg3.93-2.fc8 installed
Available Packages
apt.i386 0.5.15lorg3.93-2.fc8 fedora
[root@potoroo mail]#
Oh good. I only got the one, apt-cache seems to work nicely, and it
doesn't spend half-an-hour loading plugins.
--noplugins if you don't want any plugins and everything can be either
removed or switched off. If you find anything slower, post to yum-devel
list with some bench marks.
Thanks; I knew apt-rpm had been done, but thought it died about when
It was. Then Panu took over and now maintains both rpm and apt-rpm.
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