Jonathan Berry wrote:
On Nov 14, 2007 1:55 AM, Frank Cox <theatre@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
On Wed, 14 Nov 2007 16:45:45 +0900
John Summerfield <debian@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Then I try
yum upgrade
and it wants to install it all again. Why is it so?
Because you didn't tell it not to.
Put the following line into /etc/yum.conf:
exclude=*.i386 *.i586 *.i686
I recently did a yum list "*yum*" and found plenty of interesting yum
plugins (? I think that's what they are called). One of which had a
name like yum-basearchonly (I don't remember exactly). I would assume
its job is to only install packages for x86_64 on such a system. You
might give it a look.
Shame I had to install it to find out; it's time like these we need
"apt-cache show yum-basearchonly" or similar:-)
Fortunately, it's small. And your surmise is correct, except that its
says "The plugin only works with 'yum install'."
We'll see. Thanks for that.
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