I'm trying to copy thousands of downloaded files to CD-Rs and DVD-Rs before replacing FC6 with the new RHEL5. So far I've been able to burn dozens of ISO images to discs. Last night I successfully copied 3083 RPM files totalling 4.1GB to a Nautilus CD/DVD Creator folder. Then when I clicked on the Write to Disc button I got a grayed out Write to Disk window and a spinning cursor indication ("processing"), but nothing else for more than twelve hours. This SuperMicro server has gobs of resources: two dual-core Opterons, 8GB of RAM, and 1TB of disk space (2% used). Is Nautilus 2.16.2 really that slow creating an intermediate DVD image file, or am I running into some obscure maximum file number or image size barrier limit? --Doc Savage Fairview Heights, IL