Re: We need a new subject- bug fixes
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Les Mikesell wrote:
OpenOffice is the particular thing I had in mind, but I suspect there
are others. I'm not talking about additional packages - this is in
reference to your comment about not deviating from upstream.
Again probably licensing reasons. I made no absolute statements that no
packages ever deviate. I said that Fedora packages generally avoid
patches and I stand by that.
3) Security. Daemons connecting to external ports by default is a bad
idea. Well documented reasons. Configuration changes are easier to
manage compared to other kind of patches too.
I suppose if you break a program's intended functionality there's not so
much to maintain. That doesn't seem like a great thing to do, though,
especially without providing an easy/obvious way undo it. In any case
it is hard to imagine any 'upstream' version of sendmail ever delivered
with that configuration
Perhaps you send to actually check instead of speculating what upstream
does. Sendmail is enabled by default but not configured to connect to
external ports in order to deliver local mail for root user but avoid
the additional security issues with connecting to external ports by
default. If there is a security hole in sendmail and it connects to
external ports by default, it is remotely exploitable. If only connects
to local host, then the security risk is lowered. I dont see how this is
breaking any functionality since this is a well documented configuration
change for security reasons. It is trivially easy to uncomment a line
and configure sendmail to connect to external ports. What exactly are
you suggesting?
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