Scott van Looy wrote:
Today Tim did spake thusly:
On Wed, 2007-01-31 at 12:05 +0100, Andrea Mastellone wrote:
So, have I to delete all my gnome settings (.gnome* and .gconf*) to
fix this ?
I should hope not, but since I don't know what's specifically the
problem, that is one approach. You could try diffing the config files,
and see if you can spot it.
Or maybe there's something in your path that's different to the new
users' one? Can you run it from a console and see if it spits out any
text errors?
Issuing "nautilus" in a terminal does not report any error.
"Homo sum, nihil humani alienum a me puto." (Terenzio).
"Il vero io è quello che tu sei, non quello che hanno fatto di te." (P.