Rolf Gerrits wrote:
Rolf Gerrits wrote:
My harddisk says "klick" ( parking I presume ) for no apparent reason
( that I can think of ) and my freezes or reboots.
I cannot find any hints in the logfiles what causes this.
I need some hints / suggestions where to look / test I can do / ....
before I buy a new harddisk.
.... I am going nuts with this....
1. just my desktop ( gnome ) will crash after 1-2 days
2. if I reset - due to a freeze - sometimes the harddisk says "click"
BEFORE Grub starts (sits on MBR) .
3. This started after I installed GKrellM (could be a coincedent) ....
removing GKrellM did not solve anything (maybe broke something ? )
4. I removed "hddtemp" and "cpufreq" services ( the latter won't work
for my hardware anyway ... so it says )
5. I have removed some corrupted files and my harddisks are free of
badbloks or things like that.
Replying to my own mail here, for something I forgot ...
6. I am running FC4 at the moment.
7. I tried to install FC6 on a free part of my harddisk and this failed
Booted from DVD .... could fill out what I wanted ... , but it NEVER
gets around to installing anything because my harddisk gives a click and
the system reboots.
I finally managed to install FC4 in stead of FC6 from DVD , but with the
same problems.
8. I disabled SELinux ( not removed ) -> no difference....
I had a similar problem late last year. My new power supply (5 months
old) in my desktop wasn't putting out the correct voltage on the +5V
rail. The drive would click and then stop. As it was one of the RAID 1
drives, this was causing me some headaches. Any drive tests showed the
drive to be okay. Changing the power supply fixed the issue. Did a
full drive test on the drive before putting it back in. No issues
showed up.
If you can, check the power supply voltages.
Robin Laing