Re: How can I get rid of beagle??

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On 1/10/07, Gene Heskett <gene.heskett@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
On Wednesday 10 January 2007 04:32, Boris Glawe wrote:
>Gene Heskett schrieb:
>> On Tuesday 09 January 2007 14:52, Boris Glawe wrote:

And I put this back in the list.

>>> Hi,
>>> I don't like beagle, since I don't need it and it eats 50% of my
>>> system resources. The CPU usage is regularly at 100% for example (has
>>> beagle ever heard something about a nice value??), because beagle
>>> runs pdftotext on pdf files, which I haven't touched for years.
>>> greets Boris
>> Call up a session of yumex as root, and have yum remove it?  ISTR
>> there were 3 items to remove.  But before it removed beagle-gui, I
>> tried to get it to run and it, if it existed at all, wasn't in the
>> $PATH, so I removed them.
>That's what I did (actually I'm preferring yum at the terminal)!
>The problem remains: If beagle is installed it's hardly possible to
>disable it! Though a user disables beagle (with the configuration GUI),
>it will be reenabled a few system reboots later. I don't know the reason
>of how beagle can suddenly be active after having disabled it. Maybe
>it's because of some system updates, that overwrite my configuration,
>maybe it has  some other reasons.
>And in addition: An unexperienced user does not find out, that he/she is
>working with something called "beagle" at all. Neither the configuration
>GUI nor any search tools show me, that beagle does the searching job.
>The CPU usage is also caused by other tools (pdftotext, for example) and
>not by beagle itself. To find out, that it's beagle who i's to blame,
>requires a lot of knowledge. A task like "which of my directories
>consumes more then 100MB of space" cannot be easily done by beginners.
>Also questions like "which process has started pdftotext", can only be
>asked, if you know at all, that there's something like a process
>hierarchy in unix. Beagle is definitely addressed to unexperienced
> users.
>Fedora's acceptance suffers from tools like beagle, as it makes the
>system slow and and can hardly be identified as the reason for the
>performance loss.
>The confusion is perfect, if beagle suddenly running, though it was
>explicitly disabled before!!
>> Let us know please when this thing is ready for prime time, and what
>> exactly its supposed to do for us when it runs.
>Well, searching with beagle is extremely fast and saves a lot of system
>resources  - at the cost, that I haven't left any system resources in
>the time when I don't  search things on my desktop :-)
>greets Boris

Sorry, to me its a waste of time and electricity to have it on a system.
On this FC6 system, and let me repeat this, there is no beagle related
option anywhere in the menu's that is capable of showing so much as a
blank open windowframe.

The most obvious thingy was 'kerry beagle' right on the main menu, which
was a total no-op, no launch feedback adjacent to the mouse cursor,

There was another entry someplace, a 'beagle configuration' I believe,
that did cause the cursor to dance for the usual 30 second timeout, but
in the end did nothing, and the find selection on the menu takes a good
20 seconds to open a screen, but then when a search term is entered that
you know is existant, eventually comes back empty.  Does this use a
database beagle has built?  In which case it was defective I assume.

The worst part is that when I had removed all traces of it I could find
with yumex's search pattern set to 'beagle', then I had to go through the
menu's by hand and remove those entries.  The rpm -e should have taken
care of that IMO.

Now if they come up with an update that actually does something
worthwhile, I might put it back in.

Cheers, Gene
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Like most of the rest of you who replied to this thread I was
wondering what Beagle did as well. It was annoying me but hadn't got
so bad that I had removed it. I had a vague idea that it could search
my harddrive for me but I use 'locate' for that.

Based on Matthew Saltzman's advice I looked it up at Places->Search.
And, hey!, it's not that bad. It finds search terms within documents
which can be extremely handy. It's a lot easier than trying to use
'find' and 'grep' for that job. As well there are preferences where
you can control (somewhat) how beagle behaves when it does its

Of course, if it's running on tilt and thrashing your machine then I
don't suppose this functionality is going to make you feel better
about it....


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