Re: Can't burn CDs
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Norm wrote:
My HL-DT-ST CD RW GCE-8240B drive will not write to a disk. The box
is a dual boot and when it is in its windoze configuration the drive
does write correctly. FC6 can read data on a disk in the drive but it
refuses to read a blank disk I have tried using both K3b and
x-CD-Roast with similar results, Does Linux have a hardware issue
with this drive, the only other thought I have is my cd drive is a
slave on the same controller that my DVD drive is a master on and
possibly switching them may be the answer. Before I make the switch I
would like to confirm that the problem is not a Linux compatibility
I've got that same drive in a Dell as a slave on the secondary
controller and have not had a problem. There is a DVD as the master in
my system also. I'm Running FC6. You might check to see if there is
any new firmware for the drive.
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