Big Problems with Session Manager ??

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Before I submit a series of bugs to bugzilla, I would like to check if
others are having the same problems.  Specifically with Gnome Sessions

Documentation:  The session manager does not match the help documents.
1) "Automatically save changes to session: ....  If you do not select
this option, when you end your session the Logout Confirmation dialog
a Save current setup option."  This does not exist on the log out
dialogue even though it used to.  Logically it might not be any longer
necessary,  but, when nothing else is working the way it is expected to,
then it would be reassuring if not down right useful to save the current
setup option.

2) "Sessions: ... When you log in on GDM, you choose
a session. When you choose a session, you can select which of the
sessions to use." No 'named' sessions appear on GDM in the sessions box.

Under the Current Session tab:
3) "Order: ... To specify the startup order of an application, select
the application in the table. Use the Order spin box to specify the
startup order value."  I see no discernible change in order whether
setting up the 'default' session or a 'named' session.

4) "Trash: Does not start when you start a GNOME session."  Yes it does.
The trashcan symbol is ignored.

5) "Settings: Starts automatically when you start a  session.
Applications with this style usually have a low startup order, and store
your configuration settings for GNOME and session-managed applications."
All programs start with some preset configuration no matter what I try.
I particularly wanted to set my own size, postion, etc. in some programs
like Evolution, Xchat-Gnome and others.  This preset remains active in
both a 'default' session and a 'named' session.

6) "Remove: Click on the Remove button to delete the selected
application from the list. The application is removed from the session
manager,  and closed. If you save the session after doing this any
deleted applications will not start the next time you start a session."
Not true.  I have removed in the Current Session many programs such as:
Nautilus, Epiphany, and Sessions Manager.  They all reapper.  At logon
nautilus opens in my home directory, epipany over lays it and sessions
manager is on top.

Under the Startup Programs tab:
7) "Additional startup programs: ... If you specify more than one
startup application, use the Priority spin box to specify the startup
order of the each application. The startup order is the order in which
you want the startup applications to start."   There is no spin box to
set priorities.

8) "To edit a startup application, select the startup application, then
click on the Edit button. The Edit Startup Program dialog is displayed.
Use the dialog to modify the command and the startup order for the
startup application."  The start up dialogue starts filled with all same
programs as the Current Session Tab.  Most have greyed out edit and
delete buttons.  Most programs have an '--sm-disable' extension.  It is
confusing to know what the enable/disable button does in the face of
such an extension.  Does it enable or does it disable?  Command options
do not work in application commands in the session manager.  Notecase
jots.ncd on the command line and in a launcher opens the notecase
program with the jots.ncd file showing.  The same command will not
select any file when opening a session.

Besides the documentation problems, an iconfied program will not start
iconified; when multiple programs are started in a worksheet they all
start huddled in the upper left corner.  Most annoying, there seems to
be this preset configuration, not to be confused with the 'default'
session, that I am unable to undo no matter what I try or how many hours
I spent on it.  It used to work for me in FC3, FC4 and FC5.

The net effect is that I have no sessions management, and, I can't work
the way I am used to.

If other people are facing the same dilemmas, please respond.  I will
submit the bugs, if they are bugs. I've checked bugzilla for similar
problems and so far I am the only one with a complaint. 

Regards Bill

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