Ric Moore wrote:
On Sat, 2006-11-25 at 23:31 -0800, Darlene Wallach wrote:
It is a video of a session of a course on Haskell, a functional
programming language, at a German University.
I'm very disappointed I can't play the videos on my computer. I
was looking forward to watching the videos to learn more about
Haskell. Someone who has watched some of the videos recommends
them highly.
Have you tried all the tips at: http://www.stanton-finley.net
If not, this guy is good. All the tips for FC5 are good for FC6. What I
do is go through them and use cut n paste to be sure I have his
information correctly used on my end. I use all of his audio/video
howtos and wind up with a perfectly working setup. I highly recommend
this to you, especially for java and flash. It's really easy to use,
even for a noob. (which you are clearly not) so this might be the answer
you seek.
When I installed FC 3 I used Stanton Finley's website and his tips,
he is very good, at least from my experience. I'll check the FC 3
site to check for anything I might have skipped. I'll also check
FC 5 and FC 6 though I don't know if those tips will be appropriate.
I also have all the macromedia lib files in all three possible
locations, as well as java
(/usr/lib/mozilla/plugins /usr/lib/firefox/plugins ~/.mozilla/plugin
<--- note: no 's'.) I use java from java.com, flash from micromedia and
firefox from firefox, not from FC.
I'll have to see where the macromedia lib files are on my system.
Thanks for the heads-up. I'm pretty sure I have flash from FC. I
use Mozilla vs Firefox (I don't like horizontal scroll that
Firefox uses on the dialogue boxes. I prefer vertical scroll that
Mozilla uses on the dialogue boxes.) I have Java from Sun not
from FC.
I also have mediaplayerconnectivity extension installed for playback of
audio/video added to firefox. Seems to work very well with an all-in-one
setup that is linux aware by searching for all of your apps installed! I
also use Ook to capture streams. It works well, too. That's about all I
have done to get my setup to do most any file.
I don't know if Mozilla has the same mediaplayerconnectivity extension
as Firefox. I do have a plugin for MPlayer so mp3 files and videos
start mplayer in my browser. I have never heard of Ook.
Good luck from Siler City NC. Ric
(Nawth Carolanky to the locals)
Thank you for your tips and feedback.
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