Re: Enough, already!

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On Fri, 2006-11-10 at 17:49 +0000, Andy Green wrote:
> Lyvim Xaphir wrote:
> > No man I don't work or have any interest in Nvidia.  In fact I've
> Okay then let us establish you are not quite in fact "like Lonni".
> >>>> I think Kim has a point
> > 
> >>  Yeah he has a point.
> > 
> No, he does not have a point because 1) he is running a test kernel 2)
> he has test-updates enabled 3) You don't run bleeding edge stuff on a
> production machine 4) You do not expect Nvidia to release drivers for
> test kernels and 5) a fully functional already compiled version of the
> Nivida drivers is available on the Livna repository.  It's HIS foul by
> using test stuff, not ours.
> > 
> Where did "ours" come from?  This is a binary blob delivered by a 
> commercial operation which has taken an explicit decision to keep the 
> sources from "us".  It's the opposite of "ours".

Look man I can't help you with your reading comprehension.  It's pretty
clear that the direct object of the verb (foul) is referencing the
Fedora distribution and not the drivers.  Go back to school and get your
GED, get back with me when you learn to read.

Be that as it may, what the hell does it matter if Nvidia's decision was
explicit, implicit, implied, decried, or refried?  It doesn't frakking
matter.  Nvidia can do whatever the hell it likes with it's intellectual
property, that is their RIGHT.  They can either put it at the top of the
empire state building or they can sit on it take a dump.  Who gives a
shit?  It's THEIR property, NOT YOURS.

> > If you want to help in the development of the distro, you use the test
> The nVidia binary blob is explicitly NOT part of the distro, nor is its 
> use supported by RHAT.  You put things in binary-only because you want 
> to disempower people from being able to copy it around and modify it.

I never said it *was* part of the distro, that's the whole reason *WHY*
the thread was stupid to start with.  I'm glad you're mentally catching
up to the rest of us; finally.  In addition to having a stupid juvenile
title, it was written by an idiot that doesn't even understand where to
post stuff of that nature; which btw would have been the Nvidia forums.
BTW I don't need for you to make speeches for me, I am perfectly capable
of doing that myself without your help so thanks but no thanks.  More
pointedly; I never said jack about binary-only, what I said was the

What I *do* have an interest in is supporting the right of people to own
their own intellectual property.

You call it a "binary blob", Nvidia calls it intellectual property.  And
like I've already said, they have the right to their intellectual
property; this isnt communist China and we aren't the ChiComs.  This is
the US and it's United States law.  The flaw is not with people owning
their own intellectual property, it's with your socialist-communist mode
of thinking.


Since their "binary blob" is their intellectual property, and since you
don't OWN their intellectual property (nor should you since you don't
have jack invested in it), you simply need to either suck it up and get
your shit to work or change your thinking.  Preferably both.


Like Linus Torvalds I believe that programmers should be able to license
their code any damn way they well please; it's their work.  That means
either binary-only or open source, either one; their code, their choice
of license.  You on the other hand, think that everyone should be forced
to give their shit away for free and that they don't have the right to
own their own code.  That's the difference between you and me.

> Well thanks for the clarification.  If nVidia choose to not openly 
> license some of their code, it's up to them: but equally I am able to 
> point out their lack of openness and disrespect it.

You can "disrespect" it all the hell you want, here's a box of tissues
to cry on.  But like I said, as long as this is the United States and
not some people's republic of communism, any programmer has the right to
own his own code.  That right extends to companies.  Like I just stated,
Linus Torvalds supports the right of any programmer to license his code
any way he wants.  Nvidia pays their programmers for their work, and
since they bought that programming work with Nvidia money, they are
fully within their right to claim their code as their own.

You on the other hand, are NOT paying any Nvidia programmers for
anything, are you? OR for that matter do YOU own stock in Nvidia?  What
right exactly do you have to bitch and complain in the first place,
AAMOF? It ain't your damn work! Furthermore the assertion that you
should automatically OWN THEIR WORK for free is a SOCIALIST attitude.
They gave you a product and were nice enough to supply linux drivers for
it.  Beyond that THEY DON"T OWE YOU JACK.  Buy it or don't buy it but
for God's sake quit your bitching and whining.

> > Since their "binary blob" is their intellectual property, and since you
> > don't OWN their intellectual property (nor should you since you don't
> > have jack invested in it), you simply need to either suck it up and get
> > your shit to work or change your thinking.  Preferably both.
> I don't have any nVidia graphics cards that I used for 6 months and 
> more: I really don't have "jack invested in it".  You can keep your 
> advice to suck stuff up: Kim has a point that binary blobs cause 
> unnecessary problems, nothing that you said gainsaid it.  By all means 
> have another go!
> -Andy

Again your comprehension is lacking, like I said you need to either
finish your education or demand your money back for what you got.  His
point never was a political stance about "binary blobs"; that is YOUR
political parade.  Don't try to get people confused about what he was
saying; the fact is that he didn't give a rip about binary blobs or
intellectual property, all he wanted was for it to work in a development
level stage with no user effort.  In fact he expected EVERYTHING to work
perfectly at a testing stage which is patently stupid.

Answer a fool according to his folly, lest he be wise
in his own conceit.  -- Proverbs, 26:5
Registered Linux User #268899

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