Jesse Keating wrote:
Below you will find a list of topics that we'd like to go over in the next
RelEng meeting that is scheduled for Today, Monday at 1700 UTC in
#fedora-meeting on
/topic RELENG-Meeting - Fedora 5 shutdown - JesseKeating
/topic RELENG-Meeting - Automatic promotion of updates - JesseKeating
/topic RELENG-Meeting - Open Discussion
You want something to be discussed? Send a note to the list in reply to
this mail and I'll add it to the schedule (I can't promise we will get
to it tomorrow, but we'll most likely will if we don't run out of time).
You can also propose topics in the meeting while it is in the "Open
Discussion" phase.
If your name/nick is on above list please update the status on the
ReleaseEngineering/Meetings/Agenda page in the wiki ahead of the meeting. That
way all the other RelEng members and interested contributors know whats up
ahead of the meeting. And we will avoid long delays in the meeting -- those
often arise if someone describes the recent happenings on a topic directly in
the meeting while all the others have to wait for his slow typing...
Is Rel Eng evaluating Jidgo integration for Fedora 8 or is that part of
infrastructure team?
What about enabling presto in rawhide?
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