You might have seen the "Merge Review" tickets beginning to hit
fedora-package-review list. The filing would be on-going now, but we
hit a snag (found non-existent owners). I am waiting for that to be
corrected so this can proceed in an automated fashion.
Meanwhile, I hope we can figure out this aspect, because our decision of
the review process influences how the rest of the reviews should be filed.
Bugzilla Ticket for Each Package
We desire a paper trail to show that each package has gone through a
review. We want to be able to see who reviewed and approved each
package. We want to be able to refer to these tickets for historical
No Tracking Bugs
After mulling this over a bit, I have decided that using tracking bugs
with this review would be too confusing, as well as too slow to be
usable in a work-flow, and would generate too much extraneous mail spam.
This is simply TOO MANY bugs to work with in a single tracker. Even
if we made it more confusing by splitting into six trackers, it would
still be slow and annoying.
Thankfully, it seems that Bugzilla flags should be a vastly superior
alternative for tracking our mass review progress.
Review Flags!
You may notice that all Fedora tickets now have the "fedora-review" flag
if you are part of the fedora_bugs group in the Fedora Account System (FAS).
fedora-review BLANK (not reviewed yet)
fedora-review ? (review in progress)
fedora-review - (rejected with reason stated in comments)
fedora-review + (review approved)
Please play with flipping the flags on throw-away test bugs like these.
If your Bugzilla account can't see flags, then you are not a member of
the fedora_bugs group. Please consider using your Bugzilla e-mail
address in your Fedora Account System account so it is easier to sync up
the permission.
What should ASSIGNED mean?
In the past we used ASSIGNED as "who the reviewer was". But flags now
give us the potential for something a bit more logical.
When a flag is set to any state -, ? or +, your name appears next to the
flag. If the flag state changed multiple times, you can view the bug's
Activity Log to see who made those changes.
Querying Flags
Query -> Advanced -> Boolean State
Flag -> is equal to -> fedora-review?
Flag -> is equal to -> fedora-review-
Flag -> is equal to -> fedora-review+
(or query for Package Review with a NOT of the three above to see
everything with blank flags)
Canned queries can show useful info like this... although in the
long-term we will want to use the Bugzilla xmlrpc.cgi interface to
create a nicely formatted and cached static view elsewhere. This static
view can display far more bugs than the web interface.
Bug Mail Subjects
Subject: APPROVED [Bug 225307] New: Merge Review: awesfx
Subject: TAKEN [Bug 225307] New: Merge Review: awesfx
Subject: REJECTED [Bug 225307] New: Merge Review: awesfx
When flag states change, if you would have received mail about it, then
the mail subject is customized slightly to make it more obvious at a glance.
(dkl is not entirely thrilled by this part of the proposal because it
would require a one-off ugly hack to Bugzilla. However, if we decide
that we think this part would be VERY useful, then we can request it
(I suspect an UNTAKEN message is unnecessary, as well as grammatically
Proposal: Review Process Using Flags
1) Use flags exclusively for tracking the review state. Flags state who
set that flag, so there is no confusion.
2) The package owner is ASSIGNED instead of the reviewer. This is more
logically consistent than the past.
I believe this process works, but perhaps I missed something. Thoughts?
Warren Togami
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