Re: Isn't it time for the encrypted file system???

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On Fri, 24 Mar 2006, Paul W. Frields wrote:

As long as there's a clear visible option to do away with encryption on
the FS, that's cool.  Deciding to put important data in a possibly
unretrievable state in the event of a user departure from a company or
an untimely demise is not a great idea without a plan to recover it.  My
laptop is owned by my company, and I am sure they don't want me
encrypting data on it in a manner which prevents them from accessing it
should they wish to.
The key is a key infrastructure, e.g. your device is encrypted so that you 
can access it with two keys: your key or a master key deployed at your 
company (this could be device-unique or just a big master key).
I don't know if there are such things designed for LUKS tho...

Linus Walleij

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