Hi Pam and everyone, I'd like to give some feedback and will try my hardest to not be negative about it. Here is the section I'm considering and how it might affect our current work. http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/User:Pchestek/TMGuidelinesDraft#Non-software_promotional_goods One general observation is that not all non-software promotional merchandise is designed or arranged by ambassadors. Most of the time this work is done by ambassadors, but not always. So, if possible, I'd like to describe these sections a bit more generally to not exclude people who do make contributions this way who are not in the ambassador group when they do it. Maybe something like "Fedora Event Promotional Merchandise" rather than "Ambassador giveaways" and having more emphasis throughout on "contributors" rather than on "ambassadors" although we do want to be clear that we are talking about merchandise designed and made by members of the Fedora Project primarily or exclusively for the purpose of distribution at Fedora events. I think a trac instance to enter some basic information about what is produced is fine, actually a good thing generally. Will it be visible to the public? Can it include some additional fields that we might desire for our own tracking and expense recording as long as it includes the fields you need as well? I do have a few comments about the listed fields. Contact info for responsible ambassador <- Fine aside from preferring contributor to ambassador. Main event(s) where materials will be given away <- This one could be problematic so I'd like to understand what you really need at a minimum for this field. We have, for example, produced 20,000 temporary tattoos in a single run and distributed those worldwide. >From there they found their way (and still do) to Fedora events all over the world over a number of years. So this list would be long and would need updated a lot and really the original reporter (responsible ambassador/contributor) probably isn't in a position to follow up on where the item was used. We very seldom produce merchandise for a specific event. Almost always it is produced in large quantities, distributed to various geographic regions, and then finds its way on to the events where it is needed. Design of non-software promotional item(s) <- What does this mean? A copy of the artwork? A proof from the vendor? A general description? Information on vendor producing materials <- This one is easy if a URL or basic contact info is enough. Description of materials being used (e.g. type of tshirt, type of coffee cup, etc) <- I'm not really sure what you want here. Just a description of the product being made? Amount of materials to be produced at this time in this design for this event or events <- This is fine but the "for this event or events" concerns me because as I said before we don't usually have a specific list of events in mind that we are producing merchandise for beyond any Fedora event that comes up where the item is appropriate until we run out of it. "If the design is simply an unmodified Fedora logo, word-mark, or previously approved design, with nothing else, the merchandise is appropriate, and the material type/quality is acceptable, the request will be granted, and the Fedora Ambassador will be given a one-time permission to produce the specified non-software promotional goods in the amount requested." Ok, this sounds like for this subset of cases the approval is automatic? Or do we need something in writing from someone telling us we can proceed? While I don't much like having to ask twice to reorder more of an item that is popular when we run out of it, I can see some benefit to tracking each order but would prefer to not need to wait for permission if possible and if some fields don't really apply to reorders noting them would ease the paperwork burden some. "Any other request must have Board approval, and may require that the Ambassador produce a two item proof batch of the proposed non-software promotional goods. Please note that designs must be in compliance with the Fedora Logo Usage Guidelines, and all requests must be made at least one month before expected production of the non-software promotional goods." This part worries me some. Does it mean that each and every new item that the project wants to produce has a bigger burden, possibly a lot bigger burden? My radar tells me this will result in far fewer new items getting produced which I think is undesirable. The delay this introduces into the process is really unhelpful. I'm not sure all our vendors would even give us binding price quotes that would allow us to approve funding before sending the request to the Board for approval of the trademark use. Worse, volunteers doing this will lose their enthusiasm by this process becoming a multi-month long ordeal just to make a new t-shirt. I'm not clear on whether the one month delay applies to items that will be automatically approved. If it does I really would like to shorten that for items in that case as no one is going to want to work on ordering some pens if that work needs to be stretched out that long. I do hope that most of things we produce now would fall into the earlier category since we very often use the unmodified Fedora logo or word-mark on items. Would it be possible to look over common Fedora merchandise (buttons, pens, stickers, t-shirts, etc.) and tell us which would fall into the former case and which would fall into this latter case requiring Board approval and time delays? I'm guessing things like t-shirts would fall into the latter more than most other items. And I really hope you find something in the above helpful. Thanks, John _______________________________________________ legal mailing list legal@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx https://admin.fedoraproject.org/mailman/listinfo/legal