Hello, Fedora legal geeks. Earlier today Mozilla announced that we're launching a community process to update, simplify, and modernize the MPL. You can find more information about the process at http://mpl.mozilla.org/ We're planning to address issues relevant to this group such as making the license more generic, (hopefully) reducing the number of duplicate licenses, and making the license easier to understand (so that Fedora contributors aren't worrying about what it means). We're fairly confident that the updated version will continue to fulfill the requirements of the Open Source Definition, and therefore be acceptable to Fedora, but we also want to make sure this is the case and continues to be the case. Your feedback on the MPL and Fedora would be a great help here. Because we want to make sure that the license continues to work well for Linux distributions, we'd like to make sure information about the process and participation fora are easy for you to find. I will of course continue to hang out on this list, but we're hoping we can aggregate many comments through our own tools: * co-ment for comments on the issues, text, etc. The more that can be done via co-ment the better, given our limited bandwidth for reading and discussion. Available at http://mpl.mozilla.org/participate/comment/ * mpl-update mailing list for discussion of the process and important announcements like new drafts, information at: http://www.mozilla.org/community/developer-forums.html#governance-mpl-update Please feel free to join the process through any of these tools, or to contact me directly if there is a topic that doesn't seem to fit in either of those tools. Thanks- look forward to working with you- Luis -- Luis Villa, Mozilla Legal work email: lvilla@xxxxxxxxxxx (preferred) work phone: 650-903-0800 x327 personal: http://tieguy.org/about/ _______________________________________________ legal mailing list legal@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx https://admin.fedoraproject.org/mailman/listinfo/legal