I'd like to package the card game "xskat": (
http://www.xskat.de/xskat.html ) which is distributed under the
following license:
This program is free software; you can redistribute it freely.
Use it at your own risk; there is NO WARRANTY.
Redistribution of modified versions is permitted
provided that the following conditions are met:
1. All copyright & permission notices are preserved.
2.a) Only changes required for packaging or porting are made.
2.b) It is clearly stated who last changed the program.
The program is renamed or
the version number is of the form x.y.z,
where x.y is the version of the original program
and z is an arbitrary suffix.
Both Debian and Mandriva are shipping it, so it looks like that for them
the license is acceptable. ;-)
Is this license acceptable for Fedora too and if yes, what should I put
in RPM's License tag?
Do we have to handle the version in the rpm package differently or can
we assume that our regular NVR is sufficient to fulfill 2.b?
Best regards,
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