Jeff Sheltren wrote:
On Jan 27, 2006, at 9:15 AM, Rex Dieter wrote:
Jeff Sheltren wrote:
And some of my time, too! Although I do have mock/plague working
with RH7.3 - Rex, if you want to send more details of your problem
maybe I can help.
As per my original post:
mock's "init" step fails.
$ mock -rredhat-7-i386 --debug
DEBUG: Executing /usr/sbin/mock-helper chroot /var/lib/mock/
redhat-7-i386/root /bin/su - root -c "/usr/sbin/useradd -u 1482 -d /
builddir mockbuild"
Non-zero return value 4 on executing /usr/sbin/mock-helper chroot /
var/lib/mock/redhat-7-i386/root /bin/su - root -c "/usr/sbin/ useradd
-u 1482 -d /builddir mockbuild"
Not helpful, so I ran what mock-helper does by hand (as root)
chroot /var/lib/mock/redhat-7-i386/root /bin/su - root -c "/usr/
sbin/useradd -u 1482 -d /builddir mockbuild"
useradd: uid 1482 is not unique
Hi Rex, that's strange - I haven't encountered that problem... I
For the record, I just manually added the mockbuild user, and just use
--no-clean for now. Other than having to rebuild a few packages because
of missing Epochs (including so far: audiofile, cups, esound glib,
libpng), I've now got mock working on my RHEL4 host targetting: rh73,
rh9, rhel3, rhel4, fc3, fc4, fc5. Pretty slick.
-- Rex