Hi, I have just updated the "Help Wanted" page on the Fedora Wiki to reflect Legacy's need for volunteers. Have a look & please respond to this message if you have any thoughts or comments. <http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/HelpWanted>. IRC's <mether> (Red Hat's Rahul Sundaram) had these addition comments of needs for documentation. Any takers? <mether> Questor, would be nice if you can get the FAQ into the wiki or add information on architecture and extras support to the FAQ <mether> Questor, also information on lifecycle with a table on when stuff gets releases, when its moved into legacy and when legacy stops support in that page would be useful <mether> Questor, http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/LifeCycle <Questor> In the FAQ page you mean? <mether> Questor, right <mether> the legacy FAQ page <mether> also there should be a document on why users use legacy and how to contribute somewhere and preferrably in downloadable form for redistribution <mether> perhaps better information on choosing to stay with legacy/ moving to the next release Warm regards, David <Questor> on Freenode IRC. -- fedora-legacy-list@xxxxxxxxxx https://www.redhat.com/mailman/listinfo/fedora-legacy-list