--On Friday, June 03, 2005 10:01 AM +0100 Mark Scott
<mark.scott@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
With regards to verifying packages, there are several waiting for a
verify on FC1 or FC2 that I would not feel comfortable verifying because
I do not (or never have) used them, e.g. PostgreSQL, rp-pppoe,
squirrelmail, gftp, ethereal. Obviously if this is true of all verifiers
then this is a problem that will block their release.
Was just looking at <http://www.fedoralegacy.org/wiki/index.php/QaTesting>
and see that all the Bugzilla links still point to fedora.us.
Is there a query that will give all packages awaiting QA for a given
releasever? Or should I just check the appropriate updates-testing repo?