On Thu, 9 Sep 2004, Eric Rostetter wrote:
[stuff i've done already]Basic steps are:
* Introduce yourself to the list, with your pgp key (see docs on the wiki)
greetings! i am Tom Yates, i live in Cambridge, UK, whence i've spent the past six years running a small free software consultancy business (http://www.gatekeeper.ltd.uk). most other biographical information can be found at http://www.teaparty.net/cv/tom/ . briefly, my historical qualifications are fifteen years of unix sysadminning, and co-authorship of "Building Linux and OpenBSD Firewalls" (Wiley, 2000). i have no idea why you should trust me; that's your call.
my specific RH legacy interest is RH9, as teaparty.net is a colocated server running RH9. all my home boxes are at various versions of FC, but as teaparty.net is near the other Cambridge (Massachusetts), upgrading it isn't likely to happen any time soon. i am very grateful to the FL project for enabling me to keep it in patch without having to fly over and upgrade.
teaparty.net isn't just a vanity box. it provides a smorgasbord of shell, webmail, mailing lists, IMAPS/POPS, spam filtering, DNS hosting, web hosting and/or redirection, secure socks proxying, and like services, from which a community of about 25 non-paying, personally-known users select the services they wish to use.
i also maintain a second server, hosted by a kind donor company in cambridge, which provides a deployment platform for linux-oriented
tibetans who operate out of dharamsala, in north india. there's a long story behind that one.
i'm currently applying anything relevant to either box as soon as it appears in updates-testing, so my aim for the project is to provide feedback on these packages in a live environment. i'm looking at using FL to support a number of production RH73 boxes for a client of mine, so later, i may be able to provide feedback on 73 builds as well.
my key is appended. i do apologise, but for hysterical raisins my list- subscription address (madlists@) is *not* my main email address, and isn't on the key. for the avoidance of doubt: i do everything *except* post to mailing lists as madhatter@, which *is* on the key, so please don't let the slight mismatch between the usernames confuse you. the 1024 bit key's fingerprint is 8AAC D1B1 FCA8 1019 99B1 9D65 78FB 6F29 5DF5 CF0E.
* Report your results as a pgp clearsigned message to the Bugzilla system. If you are voting for a publish state, then make this clear in the message (such as putting in it "I VOTE TO PUBLISH" or "PUBLISH++").
a question of nomenclature is "publish" the decision to move stuff into updates-testing, or from updates-testing to updates?
- --
Tom Yates Cambridge, UK. -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE----- Version: GnuPG v1.2.4 (GNU/Linux) Comment: Peace, Long Life and Free Software!
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-----BEGIN PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK----- Version: GnuPG v1.2.4 (GNU/Linux) mQGiBD9BDkgRBADSISSFThSDsOWJDPgQBuNx7lxxBjsJFy7EEDeCSxMyBoSnPDyt tD0bqho/G7uH1OUvnB7HtSHIIxc2JBdDTbPswzemXQJIUUqLagSZT0M/IgPoBUcK 5VDeN8Hy8TcN535EGEhWOkJwJWSWCK+0Z8Y9uKQvru1WrJEZR3253E2mxwCg40jZ aSk5mpMCkyDfucvof4zwoHUD/jZwTlhIJ7ws3M+Vpj1KzhWB7SJlQ8YYn46nODiX cymdh0wZECTKnXirdyHHnpAeOw8F4CYxvglpDKOYz8xhhHNGovIEzRpZHPC0TdO3 MJfZwm/wpE1MTQazwYY8BZCoGGpkEj+a89/+PYLVhwLW/a0CZ5DzKEPXF6Ht3z3Z ZTE/A/48ENIF4HJXqV+RzQemk1Gvd6u90SMOq2Ge0m2bHewzvdwBCMEvUymiKbuF 721gj8J7fTDwP7/X3tZZCWGP+rxQjyWmAbmMTD42lRoCdBCT0W2HuISWkrBQcX+W uXgNYXfgFQqDAIvX5NyenZaGZSKIpAV/8lIG5zWU9CpwuqUu5rQkVG9tIFlhdGVz IDx0eWF0ZXNAZ2F0ZWtlZXBlci5sdGQudWs+iGUEExECACUFAj9BIFECGwMFCQlm AYAHCwkIBwMCAQMVAgMDFgIBAh4BAheAAAoJEHj7byld9c8Ow4wAoMcZOAV6l6fx frGMvLFpcdHWsUrKAJ4uj5C+2LPOgOa3fO9XshxOmLkgrYiiBBMBAgAMBQI/QSlP BYMJZeZ5AAoJELPFuX/P39459jQD/0ZvQwU9RmRv9Mxp0eilQrzP6w5QW/MYuGeN hBAefwmEN6Nq3xN3gc8HiGalkqbr7QmUdNBiv7Bp0lB2dUMXl+dQlH1DlIqcK+N6 iZWGNZq/FAZFWckVT7KT5ihqfjY5FQ9b4OrN8fYPVTRhRyGSXN+ZdBgXWqELEkee 5RKEIoD5tCJUb20gWWF0ZXMgPG1hZGhhdHRlckB0ZWFwYXJ0eS5uZXQ+iGEEExEC ACEFAj9BDkgFCQlmAYAGCwkIBwMCAxUCAwMWAgECHgECF4AACgkQePtvKV31zw6z +QCdFI/9suqyfM5VqHxXt8DuHlrt54MAnjc4yJNeDyO6Jzl8BEXhu/g2E/3iiKIE EwECAAwFAj9BKU8Fgwll5nkACgkQs8W5f8/f3jnsyAP/UuM3UO8bQ55YoC+4ba3h xM+XwiEw0MDXGn/nkY3mxRy4RI9oLJ6XveK5/LUML/UJKfBeMYr/Mg74R6jfwapW ygNw05WESgKxZQEFthIGom9O6f7tbPbt4raWbRoqU7+828f52t0xiWGTqQzE1okO rdHTRKf3+LQFiFpqY9Ohnyq5Ag0EP0EOxxAIAJHwuelJcQOWTG6jh2xsuaf0hdbR l96zLLOAW3UgQw8V8jpocUqB039iimeMt1Dk8AgM84zttDavysrx7/yRi0oywaAU nf8/vnwMrlvh5CoKW5Dqyub4dqQoF4HvWx5jwWzRXAh3Qtqixu01n7brUudBAel7 F0aC2XsK+u/8zCTssP6X3NcS2EpKIsoTWpPkepdiyl5LO6pYX0uO5Hz38EYb7JX7 BFKlEUylUv95eJ/Kwu37C6zzxMPkjOIcRPYO5a39x8ijEZyNZg5h0xXQoNmcb24Z KineY5Er/Ztz5RCRTCuhkCU5r/GG/JmNSDGIHeVT3SXhOSokKsjq9liJbmMAAwUI AI+wKHFfgmenU3VeHRinGs0+GDyaIAk30ONQ+VuUEBB/e84wMuK0zSz1VqLhvzS4 apKYwRGMnNuWO7TdZHg09r+p3ZZZuRor5n5innxIf0gkt1DaNK0JE4kCdoJNYAHc 5gCyQSp6GEZsxDdFEwVqZD/xgCfxWAbizJmalPP+JYIZzfd/eEqJcJ6CN2hUB5qa x1wfA4G1/5eruC9j7/771MPd9+DFdNvvAzyJ2UXEtCPHf2UAlBs+HiqugVy+jqK/ BwHZDo3HFm3M3oaG4u5FvnSXexPNZWaoZyVPD+fdTv8xuIR1ipki6w+/8nmmo+UC knNuKnDOWlsmKXf1OAtMSWiITAQYEQIADAUCP0EOxwUJCWYBgAAKCRB4+28pXfXP DjJnAKC7FGmBHgYkrjk8UqbJs9lZF1wh6QCg27qp3LoJvc9LTVBJ7lUo+z1LoX4= =hd4r -----END PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK-----
-- fedora-legacy-list@xxxxxxxxxx http://www.redhat.com/mailman/listinfo/fedora-legacy-list