Are there instructions are a how-to for upgrading from RH 8.0 to RH 9.0 using yum and/or apt-get?
No complete ones that I know of. But it is fairly easy to do with apt-get, and only has a few issues (like uninstalling apt-get as part of the upgrade!)
Any pointers and/or references would be greatly appreciated.
I'll try to write up something when I find the time, but I'm still very busy and just have not had the time lately to do anything (including reply to people who have asked me personally for help on this type of upgrade).
I have been very leary of taking this course but would love to upgrade my systems this way.
In my limited experience, an RH 8.0 to RH 9 upgrade via apt-get works well, but isn't for the faint of heart. I've also done some other upgrades. My results are:
RH 6.1 to RH 6.2 via apt-get Works really well, no problems.
RH 6.2 to RH 7.x via apt-get Many problems that must be worked around.
RH 7.2 to RH 7.3 via apt-get Works okay, only minor problems.
RH 8.0 to RH 9 via apt-get Works well, except it uninstalls a few things
including apt itself, which must be re-installed
All the above are apt (sic) to produce some spurious error messages during the upgrade, but nothing serious. The only difficult upgrade was the 6.x to 7.x, where a dist-upgrade fails because of dependencies. I ended up doing it in three steps (apt-get upgrade with new repo, manual install of glibc and dependencies, then an apt-get dist-upgrade of the new repo).
So, in summary, I can recommend the 6.1 to 6.2 for anyone, 8.0 to 9 for those who are experienced admins, and would warn people that a 7.x system will require a lot of work...
-- Eric Rostetter
-- fedora-legacy-list@xxxxxxxxxx