After I am done copying packages into the repository, there is only one thing blocking the launch of Legacy for RH7.2 and RH7.3: We need maintainers for apt and/or yum clients for these older distributions. You must submit your packages to QA just like any other package currently in the QA queue. Use keywords like "rh72, QA, stable". It seems that we agreed to NOT upgrade RPM for RH7.x, so apt and yum-1.x are what we will be using.
I guess most people running with RH 7.x are using apt-rpm from Matthias freshrpms package pool. People who like to be state of the art are using their own packages (like I do, ok a hand full of other people are using my packages aswell but that doesn't count ;). So if someone is interessted he can take look at my last apt-rpm rpms [1] They're working on my (last) RH 7.3 systems in conjunction with apticron to sent me mails abaut pending package upgrades.
I do not have the time to do the work for you. You must submit it according to the policies laid out here if you are serious about wanting to become the RH7.x Legacy apt maintainer.
While the "updates" of Legacy no longer conform to naming conventions, add-ons like apt must do so in order to avoid upgrade version clashes.
I am really hoping that Panu can help us with apt for RH7.x, because the we can possibly integrate the mirror choosing script functionality currently contained within this test version of apt. He has bug fixes for the mirror choosing script too.
clients. Damn I need to install that old distro...
*hrhr* If they were that f*cking old there wouldn't be a discussion about EOL support ;)
All of my systems are RH9 and FC1 now... =(
I am really not working on Legacy for my own health. I am putting together this infrastructure and policies so you folks have a chance of making this a viable and self sustaining project. I personally have ZERO PLANS to work on the packages, as I will not have the time or the need to use those packages. Thus everything depends on you. Yes you. In a collective sense of you.