1. Jason Adam Rohwedder 2. USA, Chicago 3. Development Systems Engineer 4. Orbitz.com 5. Mainly, I'd like to ensure that I have a source of security fix RPMS, for both my home machines, and any machines at work that require them. Added to that, I like RH 7.3. It's a good stable release that works well for machines that don't need all the bells and whistles that I may want on my workstation. It should be noted that while work is permitting me to contribute to this project, it is not a sponsored activity. So, I'm free to spend as much of my free time as I want. But, I may or may not, be able to spend work-time on the project, depending on what's necessary at the company. I could potentially do some QA for the project if necessary. I still need to work on setting up a reference machine for that to happen. 6. Currently, I package many of the custom packages required in the development environment at work. There are some security updates to stock packages as well, and I expect the need for that to grow as the EOL's take effect. I'm mainly responsible for making sure that the machines used for development are secure, maintainable, and that all applications used are able to work together properly. My skillset includes: C/C++, Java, Php, Perl, and a very slim bit of python. Why should I be trusted? I have a vested interest in seeing the project succeed and move forward, in that it may save me some headache at work and with my own machines. Other than that, I've been working professionally in systems administration/engineering since 1998. Honestly, I don't have any examples in the public domain to showcase, so perhaps any trust I earn will have to come from my contributions to the project. 7. [rohwedde@localhost rohwedde]$ gpg --fingerprint 9B643F0D pub 1024D/9B643F0D 2003-12-30 Jason Rohwedder <rohwedde@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> Key fingerprint = 0AA1 6522 AD40 FB05 EFB3 2344 C364 0463 9B64 3F0D sub 1024g/48049725 2003-12-30