This message may appear twice; I sent one earlier as a non-subscriber, so it's sitting in the moderation queue. Today, Progeny is announcing a subscription service for updates to Red Hat Linux 7.2 and 7.3. The goals of the Fedora Legacy Team are more ambitious than ours; we do not expect to provide updates for 8.0 or 9.0 unless there is a large demand from our customers for that service, nor do we wish to provide this service indefinitely. The objective is to provide a transition period for companies that have not yet moved away from the 7.x series. Perhaps the fact that we won't be requiring an RPM upgrade will allow the Legacy project to make that decision one way or another with the knowledge that users will have another option should they not wish to upgrade. I should point out that we don't expect to be a redistributor of your work; we are already in the distribution (and thus security backport) business. If you have any questions or concerns, feel free to drop me a note. has some marketing information. -- John R. Daily jdaily@xxxxxxxxxxx Director of Technology Progeny Linux Systems Master of the ephemeral epiphany