Re: KDE logspam on F24

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Am 04.08.2016 um 21:16 schrieb Gerald B. Cox:
On Thu, Aug 4, 2016 at 12:07 PM, Reindl Harald <h.reindl@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
<mailto:h.reindl@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>> wrote:

        Huh?  This can't be correct.  Why are they shipping a product
        with debugging turned on?

    why are you asking me or do you try to tell me that log flooding is
    normal and non-debug stuff?

No, I just don't understand why you would ship a production release with
debugging turned on.  According to the forum this has been going on
since February, 2015.  Why?  Normally, you turn debugging on for alpha
and beta testing, but when the product is released, it is turned off.
What is going on?  It is either intentional (which I don't understand
the purpose)... or it's a mistake that has been going on for over a year????

the main question is why that started here *with Fedora 24* while i had before the dist-upgrade even the same KDE related package versions for F23

so not only that the stuff the messages are talking aboiut is not fixed for a long time, it even seems to be unclear under what circumstances enduser amchines are flooded while they shouldn't

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