Re: F23: System Load: Application memory calculation

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On 16/06/16 00:07, Reindl Harald wrote:

Am 15.06.2016 um 17:14 schrieb Terry Barnaby:
On 15/06/16 14:02, Reindl Harald wrote:
The "top" program states 4G used which matches the /proc/meminfo. So
11G seems incorrect...

guess what the 4 GB + cached gives....

hence the systemload widget splits the memory in different colors to
distinct between cache and resident memory used by applications

cached is also memory  and it's used so nothing wrong besides that
"how much memory i am using" is a terrible complex question with a ton
of different answers

Sorry that doesn't make sense. If the SystemLoad widget shows
Application usage as "Application + cache" then it is not distinguishing
between cache and resident memory used by applications ...

I would have thought that it should show separately: "Application,
cache, buffers" rather than: "Application + cache, cache, buffers"

first fix your qouting and exclude footers to begin with
IT DOES show it seperatly with different colors

frankly the colors for resident, cache and buffers are even configureable

Sorry I don't understand or you don't understand what I am saying.

I am saying that the KDE "System Load" widget and the ksysguard application show that the amount of memory used by applications is much higher than it should be on this system. Other tools show it as about 4G while the KDE tools state 11G.

I think I have found the cause of the problem. The algorithms used in ksysguard-5.6.4/ksysguardd/Linux/Memory.c are outdated being based on older kernels. Newer Linux kernels include in /proc/meminfo the parameter "MemAvailable" which should be used to calculate the amount of memory that is actually available for use after application needed memory is considered. This was added as the calculation of memory being effectively used for caching was difficult for user level programs to calculate (Not all cache memory is reported in the meminfo's "Cached" parameter and some of the Cache is fixed memory anyway (Shared memory segments etc)).

The likely reason I am seeing a high application memory usage is because this system is being used as a file server using NFS/SMB etc. In this case (and others) there is memory effectively being used as cache that is not reported in the "cached" parameter. There is some memory from "SReclaimable" for example. The old style KDE memory usage
calculations are ignoring these extra bits and thus end up displaying
a very high and wrong value for Application memory usage (11G instead of 4G).

I will file a bug report. I guess this is best done at ?

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