Re: caution: kde-settings-23-9.fc23 is broken

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Am 07.01.2016 um 21:33 schrieb Rex Dieter:
Reindl Harald wrote:

after trying the following packages from koji desktop did not get
started fully, autostarts where present, Firefox and kwallet asked for
their passwords but no background or controlbar

Thanks, I can confirm there's definitely something horribly wrong with this.

The change(s) introduced there seem harmless on the surface, but I'll take a
closer look.

I'll probably just revert things for now before doing more testing

thanks for feedback!

good to know that you can see also things going wrong, in any case better than "nobody but me has any issue" :-)

as long it's a specific pickup from koji easy to find out which package is responsible and that's what koji and crazy users like me trying packages which could eat their children is for

until the latest 5.5.x we (me and my co-developer) had that randomly, sometimes once, sometimes 10 tries, but never seen until now after 5.5.x

5.5.x makes things so much better

login is as fast as hell with the latest updates (and you can disable the login progressbar just because no need and while the desktop is "built" you can already enter the passwords for ssh-agent, kwallet and firefox-master-pwd)

before it took a minute or so and with some bad luck you ended in the state of "kde-settings-23-9.fc23" - the worst day was 20 minutes to get a full KDE session - 5.5.x for the win :-)

if now the memleaks are going away making the desktop and all applications (KDE, QT, GTK) terrible slow until you logout and login after a day or so things are fine again

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