Re: Plasma 5 as a daily driver?

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Am 13.11.2015 um 15:48 schrieb Rex Dieter:
Reindl Harald wrote:

Am 13.11.2015 um 15:06 schrieb Rex Dieter:

merely pointing out that complaining about a regression that has been
fixed, is by definition, no longer a regression (and weakens your

fine that it has been fixed

but given that basic things like move tabs never where tested properly
leaves a bad taste ...

What leaves a bad taste for me is hearing people continue to complain about
things that are already fixed

If you want to be constructive, please focus on real *technical* problems,
not past hurt feelings

real technical problems?

* well, open Konqueror with 2 tabs
* one a local folder
* one a sftp remote server
* select 50 small files on the remote server
* right click -> cut
* switch to the local tab
* right click -> paste
* the 50 files appear in real time
* control bar hangs
* long, long after that status icon says "operation completed"
* control bar becomes useable again
* frankly move 50 2 KB files in a gigabit ethernet
  takes a blink of an eye and such freezes are unacceptable over

that happens *all the time*, disable the statusindicaton in the systray don't change it really, only that you now have a seperate window with the progress which is in your way with it's focus if a file is already in the destination folder and you get asked if you want to overwrite or rename it (in the background)

well, a workaround is that you kill and restart "plasmashell"

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