Since Alf is working from your builds, let's see if we can get you working first. I've not used mapiprofile so can we try the following...
1. Please "svn update" to pick up some usability improvements + build fixes + bug fixes I committed over the weekend, and rebuild.
2. From your build tree:

3. Under "File->Manage Profiles", you should be able to add a profile. There are some new What's This strings like this to help you fill it in:

4. You should see on your terminal one message when you start the program MAPI_E_NOT_FOUND, and then a second MAPI_E_LOGON_FAILED when , after creating the profile, you try "File->Get Folder Tree". This second message was fatal before my weekend changes, but with svn head, after a short pause, you should see the GUI fill with info.
$ .../kdebuild/akonadi/exchange/mapibrowser/mapibrowser
"MapiProfiles::MapiProfiles.MapiProfiles:" cannot get default profile: "MAPI_E_NOT_FOUND"
"MapiProfiles::MapiProfiles.MapiConnector2:" cannot open public folder "MAPI_E_LOGON_FAILED"
On 15 April 2013 15:05, Rex Dieter <rdieter@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
On 04/15/2013 09:01 AM, Alf B. Rustad wrote:Can you try using the 'mapiprofile' tool by hand?
Hello Rex and Shaheed,
Seems I am getting somewhere slowly, the resources are there (after a
reboot), but I am unable to authenticate so far (error message
MAPI_E_USER_CANCEL). Looking for the error message I stumbled over
nightly builds for Red Hat of Openchange:
That's where I got stuck, I can't get it talk to our office365 instance, *at all*. :(akonadi-exchange doesn't build against openchange-2.0, last I tried, so that's probably not a viable option. I'll double-check now, and followup if I learn anything.
I guess it would make sense to jump on those, or go to version 2.0?
Shaheed are you compiling against 2.0 now? You did some fixes I believe,
that may or may not be the reason I am stuck now?
-- rex
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