Re: Telepathy SIP account using wrong IP for VPN connection

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On 04/04/2013 09:59 PM, Rex Dieter wrote:
Brad Hubbard wrote:

On 03/31/2013 06:41 PM, Brad Hubbard wrote:
I was trying to configure a SIP (VOIP) account in telepathy (Accounts
module) and it kept failing. I tried Twinkle and it connected straight
away. So I looked at a packet capture and it turns out the sofiasip
connection was using my local home network IP to connect to the SIP
server on a vpn connection.

Once I ran the following command it connected straight away.

mc-tool update

Is this expected behaviour? I checked for a KDE bug but could not find
one. Happy to create one if that's what needs to happen.

This is a known bug.
Missed it because it is in the freedesktop bug tracker, not KDE.
Mind sharing the bug number for posterity?

Hey Rex,


BTW, this is not the only issue with the SIP interface.

At the moment this is a show stopper for me.

I can make a call but in my environment I need to be able to generate dtmf tones which I can't possibly do without the dialpad. I don't believe anyone can be actually using the SIP feature much in Fedora without this functioning.

I'm currently investigating the CallWindow::checkEnableDtmf() function logic in call-window.cpp of the ktp-call-ui package but I'm kind of new to this specific area (although well skilled in C++, Qt and software debugging in general ;) ). I'd like to be able to ktp-call-ui under gdb but am struggling with how to accomplish that. The next best alternative would be to capture the kDebug() output from ktp-call-ui but, since it seems it can only be launched from ktp-dialout-ui, I'm struggling with that as well. I could liberally sprinkle kDebugs if I could see the output :)

This is complicated by the usual lack of available time but I would like to work on this and get this, and other aspects, working in my (lack of) spare time.

I'll get it eventually but if anyone has any suggestions to expedite the effort I'm all ears.


Kindest Regards,

Brad Hubbard
Software Maintenance Engineer
Red Hat Global Support Services
Asia Pacific Region

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