Re: "The key you just pressed is not supported by Qt"

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Thanks to rdieter on irc today, I just tested with xev on my laptop and discovered that, while Alt and Shift behave normally, Alt-Shift is processed as "ISO_Next_Group". Knowing that in turn led me to this bug report containing a solution:

I initially installed a pre-beta version of F18 on this laptop, so I guess that's how things got set up this way in the first place.


On 10 January 2013 11:21, Mary Ellen Foster <mefoster@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Update: I just also noticed that Okular uses "alt-shift-{left,right}" as navigation shortcuts, and those also don't seem to be working -- as far as I can tell, Okular is now treating "alt-shift-left" the same as just plain "left".

I suppose I should bugzilla this, but against what? :)


On 10 January 2013 09:50, Mary Ellen Foster <mefoster@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Hello all,

In all previous versions of KDE, I would always use ctrl-alt-shift-{right,left} as a shortcut for "window to {next,previous} desktop". However, I'm now unable to use that shortcut (it seems to be processed as "ctrl-shift-{right,left}", and if I go to the system settings to try to fix it I can't even set the shortcut.

As soon as I press ctrl-alt-shift (or even alt-shift), I get a popup that says "The key you just pressed is not supported by Qt". I know this definitely used to work -- and, indeed, you can see in the system-settings UI that the old shortcut is still set. It's just not actually working any more.

I currently have kde-4.9.5 and qt-4.8.4 (Fedora 18, 64-bit). I may try updating to kde-unstable just to see whether that makes a difference ...

Any ideas on what's going on?



Mary Ellen Foster --
Interaction Lab --
School of Mathematical and Computer Sciences, Heriot-Watt University

Heriot-Watt University is a Scottish charity registered under charity
number SC000278

Mary Ellen Foster --
Interaction Lab --
School of Mathematical and Computer Sciences, Heriot-Watt University

Heriot-Watt University is a Scottish charity registered under charity
number SC000278

Mary Ellen Foster --
Interaction Lab --
School of Mathematical and Computer Sciences, Heriot-Watt University

Heriot-Watt University is a Scottish charity registered under charity
number SC000278

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