Re: KDE virtual desktop use being depreciated?

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On 11/28/2011 08:25 AM, Roy Dragseth wrote:
> On Monday, November 28, 2011 16:13:39 Ed Greshko wrote:
>> I'm just wondering if the concept of using "virtual desktops" is being
>> phased out in KDE.
>> The reason I ask/wonder is that with F16 when one brings up KDE the
>> "pager" widget is not visible on the default panel.  A little poking
>> around reveals you have to increase the number of "virtual desktops" to
>> be more than the default of 1 in "system settings", "workspace behavior".
>> So, under the  current default configuration a person new to KDE may not
>> have a clue that an option exists for "virtual desktops".
>> It even took me a bit of time to realize what was happening.  In F15 the
>> default number of "virtual desktops" was set to 4.
> Yes, I'm wondering about the same thing.  My new and shiny KDE 4.7 has a red-
> blue-green button on the toolbar that brings me into something called 
> "Activities".  Can someone explain to an old geezer what "Activities" are good 
> for?  The website contain a fair bit of explanation on how to set  up 
> activities but I couldn't find anything about the rationale behind the concept.  
> What do activities bring to the table that virtual desktops don't?  Or am I 
> missing the point completely?
Activities can have a different wallpaper and a different set of
plasmoids that won't show on other activities, unlike virtual desktops,
so they are better if you want to keep certain parts of your work
separate from other parts - maybe work and leisure, or maybe
confidential stuff on a separate activity.  If none of this applies you
can choose virtual desktops instead.

FWIW, I'd favour setting the default pager to display 2 - making the
option visible without taking too much space if they are not wanted.


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