Re: rsync causing disk sleeps and loss of apps

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On Sunday 30 January 2011 15:44:33 Martin (KDE) wrote:
> Am Sonntag, 30. Januar 2011 schrieb Anne Wilson:
> Hallo Anne
> I am not sure I understood what you want to do. You want to sync some
> directories in the background between two or more computers without
> interaction?
I want to run a backup of certain directories overnight, whether I'm logged in 
or not.

> > I'm trying to get rsync to operate on a number of directories, but
> > not in a mirror situation where I can easily use an existing app.
> > I therefore wanted to set up a shell script which can be run over
> > the network using keychain to provide the necessary passwords.  On
> > a single box it works perfectly, but of course the network makes
> > it more complicated.
> > 
> > Part of the problem may be that I have followed too many how-tos,
> > and set things up in a way that fight.  First, to get keychain
> > correctly running -
> As I understand keychain correct it is a kind of ssh-agent right?
Similar.  You provide your keys to the server, then when necessary keychain 
sends the public key, encrypted, for comparison.

> > Keychain is set up in .bash_profile and works.  Then I read that if
> > you are going to run a script with cron you need to eval keychain
> > within your script as it works in its own restricted environment.
> > This makes sense - but does that cause problems when I run tests
> > in bash, since keychain is already running?
> cron does not run in a restricted environment but in his own one. Many
> of those values usually set in your interactive bash shell are not set
> or known.
> But using ssh in a cron job means either no password for the key or a
> weak one as it has to be typed down somewhere.
That's why keychain is used.  It passes the passwords, but in an encrypted 

> > What happens at the moment is that the script appears to start, but
> > suddenly stops.  System Monitor shows disk sleep for all the rsync
> > threads, and several kde applications are also affected, notibly
> > kwrite etc and dolphin etc..
> what do you try to sync? Your kde config folder?
No, certain folders from my laptop to various folders on a data partition on 
my server.  The folder structure is not the same as on the laptop, so a 
separate rsync statment has to be used for each section.

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