The current release of the choqok microblogging client that is in fedora doesn't support oauth authentication which is going to become mandatory for twitter access on monday. I have prepared packages that update choqok to a svn snapshot but those aren't very well tested at the moment. Before pushing these to updates-testing I'd appreciate feedback on the new build. If you're running kde-unstable then just update / yum install choqok and you'll get choqok-0.9.85-0.1.1162196svn - which is the snapshot. If you're not running kde-unstable then koji builds are available: F14: F13: F12: Using the above builds you'll also need to install the new dependencies qoauth, qjson and webkitpart. Downloading the choqok and choqok-libs rpms and then doing a "yum localinstall --nogpgcheck choqok*.rpm" is proabably the easiest way to get this installed. So if you're a choqok user please test this if possible - timely feedback at least gives us a slight chance to have something in updates-testing when twitter disables the old way of accessing it on monday. -- sven === jabber/xmpp: sven@xxxxxxxxxx _______________________________________________ kde mailing list kde@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx New to KDE4? - get help from