On 07/03/2010 10:18 PM, Eli Wapniarski wrote: > As you noted Anne.... It is a technical review. However, as noted earlier > kdepim 4.5 is schedualed to be brought along side packages being tested as > part of the release cycle. Kdepim 4.5 is not schedualed for release. IMHO it > is a mistake to include it within the framework of how kde-redhat has > traditionally incorporated testing leading to final release. kde-unstable tends to contain backports from rawhide/$current_release+1, i.e. it is for testing what the KDE SIG expects will be part of the up- coming Fedora release. Rex has already said that he expects kdepim 4.5 to be in Fedora 14, since if kdepim 4.5 is released with KDE SC 4.5.1 or 4.5.2 as planned, it works out timing-wise. So what's happening here seems to be exactly what you are calling for, testing of software that is expected to be in the next Fedora release. -- Best regards, Eike Hein