Kontact/Akonadi is disastrous on 4.3.85

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Hello Anne,

On Thursday 31 December 2009, 11:28, Anne Wilson wrote:
> First kontact would not start at all.  This seems to be due to the fact
>  that it was seeking a non-existent folder, /home/anne/.local/share/Local,
>  IIRC. Pointing this to my local mail directory allowed Kontact to start,
>  but I've since been told that that is a bad idea - and I haven't been told
>  what I should do about it.
> Then I discovered that my addressbook was empty.  I replaced the file from
>  a backup, restarted everything, but still couldn't see any addresses. 
>  Exploring the Akonadi setup I confirmed that it was pointing to the
>  correct file.  In the end I added a new Resource, pointing it to the same
>  file.  All my addresses were now visible and I thought I had won.  Not so.
>   Today I needed to add a phone number.  Edit opened a blank form - none of
>  the existing details showing.  You could type into a field, but saving it
>  made no difference.  The new item didn't show.  Now, some hours later,
>  Edit is working and I can add the phone number.
> During that time I have kept getting spells of seeing Kontact use more than
> 50% CPU, forcing the total to 99-100%, so that I had to shut it down. 
>  Several times.  I can only assume that it's Akonadi trying to organise the
>  data, but it has simply made it unusable.  Unless these issues can be
>  resolved there are going to be some major screams.

did you try to watch the processes with the "System Monitor"? in the Process 
Table select on the listbox "All processes, Tree", and you may guess who to 
blame. In my case, akonadi-control owns several sub-processes, none of them 
consume much CPU nor memory (same is valid for Nepomuk - this has been a huge 
improvement), look at the pic in 
I wouldn't blame Akonadi, so may be it's a Kontact thing.

By the way, what's your Akonadi set up? I've found the embedded mysql to 
consume more resources than the server, so I changed the default set-up to use 
a MySQL server running on localhost, but this may not be the case for you...
Anyway, this you try with a whole brand new clean .kde user directory? After 
some crashes, I've found this to be the better solution.

Ariel Constenla-Haile
La Plata, Argentina

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