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Eli Wapniarski wrote:
>> You can try the ESD backend (wine-esd), which uses PulseAudio's ESD
>> compatibility layer (pulseaudio-esound-compat).
> Does not work

It does work for me. I tested it with the Window$ version of TiEmu and sound
worked just fine.

> Redhat 8 integrated the menu system for both kde and gnome.

And it was about time they did that. Having only KDE apps show up in the KDE
menu was really broken (and kappfinder was a lousy workaround). I don't
miss the times where you had to register any application twice for it to
show up in both desktops' menus. The shared freedesktop.org menu is what we
have now. Nobody complains about it anymore.

> There was nothing you could do customize the kde menu.

That's not true, kmenuedit was always shipped.

> The work that Rex tiresleslly devoted himself made KDE work in Redhat.
> Anything that smelled of Gnome / KDE integration was seperated out and
> recompiled to break it and leave KDE independant to allow kde to function
> as kde. It was a long road until reintigration with Fedora proper and a
> commitment that kde would continue to work as well.

I've been using Than's packages until the merge, I've never had any real
problems with them and there was no such "GNOME / KDE integration" which
wasn't also upstream and in kde-redhat. I was also there when the merge
happened, there wasn't any "GNOME / KDE integration" being removed. There
were some default settings which differed among the 2 builds (I did a diff
of the 2 versions of the settings and we discussed the changes, but they
were nothing major, both package sets mostly used the upstream defaults), a
few useful patches missing in one or the other package set and the
occasional optional component enabled only in kde-redhat, but the major
differences people kept talking about did not actually exist.

> However, we have ssen more and more with network manager,

Should be fixed now (F9/F10/F11 updates, F12 Rawhide) with
kde-plasma-networkmanagement. The actual issue there was lack of
integration (forcing us to fallback to a GNOME component), not too much

> packagekit

Fixed in F9 updates and F10 (and everything newer) with kpackagekit. Once
again, lack of integration forced the temporary use of a GNOME component
(which replaced our older distro-specific and also GTK+-based tools, so
this wasn't really a regression), the problem is now solved.

> probably the same is true with gnome components for policy manager

You probably mean PolicyKit. We ship PolicyKit-kde in F11. There too, the
GNOME component is no longer needed thanks to our integration work. (That
said, we need to do more of this for F12 due to PolicyKit 1.)

> It would seem that the same is currently true for pulse audio.

PulseAudio just works in KDE 4. Your issues with PulseAudio have nothing to
do with KDE.

        Kevin Kofler

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