nVidia 'binary blob' drivers

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On Friday 03 Apr 2009 20:54:25 Eli Wapniarski wrote:

> Under 180.44 there is some kind of rendering issue that has nothing to do
> with S3TC. It looks like something wrong with OpenGL under some conditions.
> Which means that if you are using compiz or desktop effects, you could run
> into some trouble under some circumstances despite what NVidia reports as
> things being fixed for KDE. While something might be fixed. It certainly
> has broken something else. And plasma seems to work just fine under 180.29.
> At least for me. At least for now.

OK, Eli. Understood. I was just reporting my experience. You obviously have 
another opinion/experience. I'll only add that in the 48 hours of running the 
180.44 driver on my primary machine, I haven't seen a plasma crash dialog. 
Previously, I could create at will with an instance of FaH (CUDA via wine) 
running, and launching a native OpenGL app, with KDE DE enabled. 

Anyway, my last words on this subject. I no longer wish to discuss anything to 
do with the nVidia binary driver and regret having posted to this list. There 
is one email in particular that I won't be responding to, other than to say 
this. I would suggest that people responding to a message on a mailing list 
have the decency to CC the list as well as reply to personally. Let me quite 
clearly state, I am not an nVidia fanboy or apologist and quite frankly I 
don't give two hoots where nVidia (the company) choose to deploy their 
obviously limited development resources. If the driver works for me - fine, 
I'll use it. If it doesn't, I don't have to, there are other options. Whilst I 
understand that the fact the nVidia binary blob as non-free software evokes 
strong opinions, some people really do need to grow up! If I want to engage in 
politics, I'll stand for office. 


Clive Messer <clive at vacuumtube.org.uk>

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