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Clive Messer wrote:
> On the other hand, as the default (dog-slow) Redland backend is disabled
> in >= KDE 4.2

To clarify, what is disabled with the Redland backend:
* the Strigi indexer. You could start a strigidaemon on its own, but then
you don't have Nepomuk integration. This got disabled in 4.2 because the
performance of Strigi with Redland as storage always was an absolute
nightmare and some internal changes in 4.2 made it even worse. I think the
way they disabled it needs fixing (there should be a way to enable it -
they just hardcoded the disabling), but to be honest I wouldn't really
recommend enabling it even if there was a (working) option. (But if you
really want to try, I can provide patched packages with the disabling logic
removed somehow.) Strigi is said to be very fast with appropriate storage
(such as its internal CLucene storage, but that one doesn't integrate with
Nepomuk), but with the slow Redland it's a PITA.
* the new nepomuksearch:/ ioslave in KDE 4.2. (I think this one is not
actually explicitly disabled, it just plain does not work due to missing
features in Redland.)

What is enabled:
* compiling all the stuff, so plugging in a soprano-backend-sesame2 (or
soprano-backend-virtuoso when available) at runtime will enable all the
above, and
* you can store tags even with the Redland backend and they will be kept
inside the Redland storage. Without search, this is not all that useful

        Kevin Kofler

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