Ooops, we made Linus leave : (choices and punishment)

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On Wed, 2009-01-28 at 09:39 -0500, Mark Bidewell wrote:

> Was KDE 4.x a little rough? Absolutely. 

I think describing the orig KDE4 as a 'little rough' is erring on the
side of generosity. ;-)

> I briefly switched to GNOME, but switched back as KDE
> updates improved the experience.  

Well, as a KDE user of many years, I switched to Gnome when KDE4 became
the default in Fedora. I've had a quick look at KDE4 with every minor
release, most recently with the kde-redhat 4.2 release, which I'm
testing now. So much has changed during the time that KDE4 has been the
default KDE on Fedora. Having used Gnome my expectation for things 'just
working' has increased. 

I had occasion to install Fedora 10 on a new netbook just the other day.
With Gnome - Bluetooth working out of the box, power management working,
function keys to increase/decrease brightness. I updated that netbook to
kde-redhat 4.2 last night. Bluetooth - not working, power management -
not working, function keys - not working. OK, so I believe (having
looked at bugzilla) Rex has a patch for solid that might fix kbluetooth,
the DPMS problem (ie. the lack of, if a screensaver is running) has been
bugzilla'd, and yes, I can faff around to get the screen brightness keys
working. All of these things in the overall scheme of things are minor,
but I expect them to just work, whatever desktop environment I use.
Gnome sure doesn't look as pretty as KDE4, but it does what I need it to
do, to be able to use it as my desktop on a daily basis. As good as the
latest KDE 4 release is, it seems to me that it still needs a little
more polish. Maybe I'll switch back when KDE 4.3 comes to town. 


Clive Messer <clive at>

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