Ooops, we made Linus leave : (choices and punishment)

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On Wednesday 28 January 2009 00:19:49 Eli Wapniarski wrote:
> On Tuesday 27 January 2009 21:57:09 Arthur Pemberton wrote:
> > That's the problem, people want stuff that they can't provide
> > themselves and goes against what the ones doing the work decide to do.
> Forgive me Arthur but that's just plain rude. 

Nothing rude there.  It's just a plain statement of fact.

> Software is meant to be used
> by users. If I'm misunderstanding what you're implying by the your post
> then please forgive me. But even the most intelligent and best informed
> group of people can make mistakes in judgment. The most famous examples is
> the Bay of Pigs fiasco.
Not interested in politics.  Please drop that.

> User's can't provide the stuff that developers can provide because they
> aren't developers. And developers should expect some negative feedback when
> they don't meet users expectations, or go off in directions that proves to
> be in error regarding the user experience. This is not a slight regarding
> the hard work and skill that goes into development.
So a baker that doesn't make your favourite bread is making a big mistake?

> And no... you can't please all the people all the time. But us users are
> the ones that actually use that which is developed and we should be
> respected. That we didn't provide more feedback is our error. But on the
> other hand, we really didn't have that much experience on which to base an
> opinion other than the quality and skill that went into KDE 3.x.
> More than likely because of the great programming that went into KDE 3.x
> and the hype surrounding 4.x we all were expecting the first release to on
> par. And a lot of us were disappointed that it wasn't. And in many ways
> still isn't. But it is definitely getting there.
I think all are agreed that enthusiasm in many quarters did cause hype that 
lead to disappointment.

> To paraphrase Rex in a previous post. There really isn't any point to
> crying over spilled milk.
I still do not agree that it is spilled milk.  We should agree to disagree, 
drop the subject, and get on with life.


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