On Sunday 25 January 2009 06:28:35 Eli Wapniarski wrote: > Why is Fedora partially to blame. It has been plagued with, IMHO, with a > bad case of jump on the "latest must be greatest" bandwagon and releasing > as final, software that is clearly not ready for prime time. The latest > round of this started with Fedora 9 and Xorg 1.5 BETA. KDE 4. And this > group think problem has on and off plagued Redhat releases since version > 8. If the software isn't ready then it isn't ready. In the early days when Fedora still was Redhat - I'm speaking of Redhat 4.x - there was a unspoken rule that uneven number versions were unstable and even stable. Compare this with the kernel development in the old days. I ever used the stable versions :-) With Fedora the sub-numbering was gone. Maybe now we have it back. Fedora 9 unstable, Fedora 10 stable. What will bring Fedora 11? P.S. EOL of Fedora 8 is less then a month - 2009-01-07 - ago and we now have a very stable KDE desktop IMHO. Martin Kho