Could/should the new nvidia driver be added to the release candidate live release ?

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On Friday 16 January 2009, Linuxguy123 wrote:
> Kevin, I've been watching your actions in bugzilla and I have to say
> that I find your manner and your actions to be crass and
> inconsiderate.
> You seem to want to close every bug off as either notabug or upstream or
> anything that would have a Fedora person be responsible for it.  I just
> don't understand your actions.

About CLOSED/UPSTREAM: I'm not the one who decided to use that (in fact I'm 
not sure it's that great an idea, because bugs will show up as closed when 
they're in fact still there), but it's being used, so I'm following 
procedures. (And you'll find triagers closing more things UPSTREAM than I do. 
I'm only helping with the triaging, especially for things which need a 
developer/packager's opinion.) And even if we keep the bug open, that doesn't 
change that it has to be fixed by upstream, there's no way we can fix all the 
bugs in KDE on our own. The bug can be reopened once upstream has a fix (but 
normally we'll just pick it up with the next upstream bugfix release, please 
only reopen to request a backport if it needs fixing urgently). You have to 
keep in mind that:
* Fedora is a community distribution. Many of us (including me) are 
volunteers, others are paid by Red Hat to work primarily on RHEL, not Fedora. 
We are not paid to spend hours fixing things in software we didn't write. We 
need to work with the upstream developers, who in general actually wrote the 
software and know best how to fix it.
* We believe upstream is the right place to get these issues fixed, because 
they affect all the other distributions as much as us. Once the issues are 
fixed upstream, everyone benefits.

As for the stuff I close as NOTABUG because it's a bug in a proprietary 
driver: it is IMPOSSIBLE for anybody other than the hardware company 
producing the driver (not naming any particular one because it affects them 
all, it's not an issue specific to NVidia) to fix any bugs in their drivers, 
because they are binary only and the license forbids modification. So you 
have to report any issues with them to whoever produced them. Have you 
reported any of your issues with NVidia's drivers to NVidia yet? You are just 
wasting everyone's time by reporting issues we can't fix. Even if you can't 
believe it, those are bugs IN THE DRIVER, not in KDE. The proper place to fix 
them is in the driver. Only the manufacturer of the proprietary driver can do 

        Kevin Kofler

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