I crashed plasma and my session froze when I accidentally dragged a folderview onto a second panel in my F10 KDE4.1.85-2 session. Here are the relevant steps in my session that led to this. My session was made with: livecd-iso-to-disk --reset-mbr --noverify --overlay-size-mb 100 --home-size-mb 150 --unencrypted-home --delete-home /home/xxx/Download/f10-kde-4.1.85-2/livecd-f10-kde-4.1.85-200812161507.iso /dev/sdc1 a) added icons for konqueror, konsole and dolphin to the standard panel at the bottom of the screen. b) resized the bottom panel to be narrow and centered. Ala Mac. c) added a second panel to the top of my window. Added a task manager to it. Added pager to it. Removed the task manager and pager from the bottom panel. d) changed the stock folderview to display ~/home e) added a second folderview to display /bin f) resized the icons on both folderviews to be smaller than stock. Played around with locking icons and scrolling then in and out of view. g) add BalL. Nothing happened. Tried adding it again. Nothing happened. h) accidentally dragged one of the folderviews onto the top panel. My session then crashed in several steps.