AWS usage per group (December)

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Here comes December edition of resources running in AWS. It's a snapshot of resources running today multiplied by all days in the month.

The price is calculated only for volumes and instances. Snapshots are not yet counted in.

Reserved instances are deducted - but hardcoded in the script. And spot instances are counted as on-demand.

 * qa - $56384
 * ci - $42847
 * centos - $32057
 * copr - $13428
 * logdetective - $12418
 * infra - $7575
 * Not tagged - $5032
 * pyai - $3756
 * respins - $702
 * centos-stream-osci - $571
 * min - $471
 * CentOS - $306
 * abrt - $236
 * centos-stream-build - $8
 * coreos - $0
 * CPE - $0
 * ga-archives - $0
 * garbage-collector - $0
 * CloudSIG - $0

FedoraGroup: qa - PriceSum: $56384
 Region: us-east-1
   Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $56384
       Instance Type: c5n.metal - Count: 6 - Price: $17029
       Instance Type: c6a.8xlarge - Count: 1 - Price: $894
       Instance Type: i4i.32xlarge - Count: 2 - Price: $16034
       Instance Type: c6in.metal - Count: 4 - Price: $21192
       Volume Type: gp3 - Total Size: 13000 GiB - Price: $1235

FedoraGroup: ci - PriceSum: $42847
 Region: us-east-1
   Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $596
       Instance Type: c6a.2xlarge - Count: 2 - Price: $447
       Volume Type: gp2 - Total Size: 400 GiB - Price: $40
       Volume Type: gp3 - Total Size: 616 GiB - Price: $109
   Service Name: EKS - PriceSum: $745
       Instance Type: c5.2xlarge - Count: 3 - Price: $745
 Region: us-east-2
   Service Name: TestingFarm - PriceSum: $37714
       Instance Type: m5a.4xlarge - Count: 1 - Price: $502
       Instance Type: i3.2xlarge - Count: 8 - Price: $3644
       Instance Type: m7a.medium - Count: 80 - Price: $3385
       Instance Type: c6a.large - Count: 19 - Price: $1061
       Instance Type: c6g.large - Count: 8 - Price: $397
       Instance Type: c7i.metal-24xl - Count: 8 - Price: $25019
       Instance Type: i3.large - Count: 4 - Price: $456
       Volume Type: gp3 - Total Size: 17126 GiB - Price: $3050
       Volume Type: gp2 - Total Size: 2000 GiB - Price: $200
   Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $3370
       Instance Type: r5.xlarge - Count: 1 - Price: $184
       Instance Type: r5.large - Count: 2 - Price: $184
       Volume Type: gp2 - Total Size: 2272 GiB - Price: $227
       Volume Type: gp3 - Total Size: 17754 GiB - Price: $2775
       # of AMIs: 40
   Service Name: GitHub - PriceSum: $238
       Instance Type: m7a.large - Count: 2 - Price: $169
       Volume Type: gp3 - Total Size: 112 GiB - Price: $69
   Service Name: EKS - PriceSum: $184
       Instance Type: r5.xlarge - Count: 1 - Price: $184

FedoraGroup: centos - PriceSum: $32057
 Region: ap-south-1
   Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $1716
       Instance Type: t3.2xlarge - Count: 3 - Price: $785
       Instance Type: t3.large - Count: 1 - Price: $65
       Instance Type: m6i.2xlarge - Count: 1 - Price: $295
       Volume Type: gp3 - Total Size: 4570 GiB - Price: $571
 Region: eu-central-1
   Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $4237
       Instance Type: t2.large - Count: 1 - Price: $78
       Instance Type: r5b.8xlarge - Count: 1 - Price: $2079
       Instance Type: m6i.2xlarge - Count: 1 - Price: $336
       Instance Type: t3.xlarge - Count: 1 - Price: $140
       Volume Type: gp3 - Total Size: 14200 GiB - Price: $1604
 Region: us-west-2
   Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $2006
       Instance Type: m6i.2xlarge - Count: 2 - Price: $561
       Instance Type: t3.small - Count: 1 - Price: $15
       Instance Type: t3.xlarge - Count: 1 - Price: $121
       Volume Type: gp3 - Total Size: 14175 GiB - Price: $1309
 Region: af-south-1
   Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $0
       Instance Type: m6i.2xlarge - Count: 1 - Price: $0
       Volume Type: gp3 - Total Size: 4050 GiB - Price: $0
 Region: eu-west-3
   Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $814
       Instance Type: t3a.xlarge - Count: 1 - Price: $124
       Instance Type: t2.large - Count: 1 - Price: $77
       Instance Type: t3.xlarge - Count: 1 - Price: $138
       Instance Type: t3.large - Count: 1 - Price: $69
       Volume Type: gp3 - Total Size: 2677 GiB - Price: $406
 Region: eu-west-2
   Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $5205
       Instance Type: t3a.large - Count: 1 - Price: $62
       Instance Type: r5a.8xlarge - Count: 1 - Price: $1553
       Instance Type: t3.large - Count: 2 - Price: $138
       Instance Type: t3.xlarge - Count: 2 - Price: $276
       Instance Type: t2.medium - Count: 1 - Price: $38
       Instance Type: m6i.2xlarge - Count: 1 - Price: $324
       Volume Type: gp3 - Total Size: 26300 GiB - Price: $2814
 Region: eu-west-1
   Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $1065
       Instance Type: t2.medium - Count: 4 - Price: $146
       Instance Type: t2.xlarge - Count: 1 - Price: $147
       Instance Type: t2.large - Count: 1 - Price: $74
       Instance Type: t2.small - Count: 1 - Price: $18
       Instance Type: t3.large - Count: 1 - Price: $67
       Instance Type: t3.medium - Count: 2 - Price: $67
       Instance Type: t3.xlarge - Count: 2 - Price: $266
       Volume Type: gp3 - Total Size: 552 GiB - Price: $280
 Region: ap-northeast-1
   Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $1513
       Instance Type: c6g.2xlarge - Count: 1 - Price: $250
       Instance Type: m6i.2xlarge - Count: 1 - Price: $362
       Volume Type: gp3 - Total Size: 8070 GiB - Price: $901
 Region: sa-east-1
   Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $1819
       Instance Type: c6g.4xlarge - Count: 1 - Price: $612
       Instance Type: m6i.2xlarge - Count: 1 - Price: $447
       Volume Type: gp3 - Total Size: 4250 GiB - Price: $760
 Region: ap-southeast-1
   Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $787
       Instance Type: m6i.2xlarge - Count: 1 - Price: $350
       Volume Type: gp3 - Total Size: 4050 GiB - Price: $437
 Region: ap-southeast-2
   Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $1572
       Instance Type: m6i.2xlarge - Count: 2 - Price: $701
       Volume Type: gp3 - Total Size: 8100 GiB - Price: $871
 Region: us-east-1
   Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $4445
       Instance Type: t3.xlarge - Count: 2 - Price: $243
       Instance Type: t2.xlarge - Count: 1 - Price: $135
       Instance Type: c6gd.16xlarge - Count: 1 - Price: $1794
       Volume Type: gp3 - Total Size: 26356 GiB - Price: $2273
 Region: us-east-2
   Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $6878
       Instance Type: m5a.2xlarge - Count: 1 - Price: $251
       Instance Type: t3.xlarge - Count: 4 - Price: $486
       Instance Type: t3a.large - Count: 1 - Price: $55
       Instance Type: m6i.2xlarge - Count: 2 - Price: $561
       Instance Type: t2.large - Count: 2 - Price: $135
       Instance Type: t3.large - Count: 1 - Price: $61
       Instance Type: t3.small - Count: 1 - Price: $15
       Volume Type: gp3 - Total Size: 59990 GiB - Price: $5314

FedoraGroup: copr - PriceSum: $13428
 Region: us-east-1
   Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $13428
       Instance Type: t3a.medium - Count: 2 - Price: 0 (reserved)
       Instance Type: t3a.medium - Count: 2 - Price: $55
       Instance Type: r5a.large - Count: 1 - Price: 0 (reserved)
       Instance Type: r5a.large - Count: 1 - Price: $82
       Instance Type: t3a.small - Count: 1 - Price: 0 (reserved)
       Instance Type: t3a.small - Count: 1 - Price: $14
       Instance Type: r7a.xlarge - Count: 2 - Price: $444
       Instance Type: c7a.4xlarge - Count: 1 - Price: 0 (reserved)
       Instance Type: m5a.4xlarge - Count: 1 - Price: 0 (reserved)
       Instance Type: m5a.4xlarge - Count: 2 - Price: $1004
       Instance Type: t3a.2xlarge - Count: 1 - Price: 0 (reserved)
       Instance Type: t3a.2xlarge - Count: 1 - Price: $220
       Instance Type: c7a.large - Count: 1 - Price: $75
       Instance Type: c7i.xlarge - Count: 3 - Price: 0 (reserved)
       Instance Type: c7i.xlarge - Count: 19 - Price: $2476
       Instance Type: c7g.xlarge - Count: 27 - Price: 0 (reserved)
       Instance Type: c7g.xlarge - Count: 10 - Price: $1058
       Instance Type: t2.large - Count: 1 - Price: $68
       Instance Type: t4g.medium - Count: 1 - Price: $25
       Instance Type: c7a.xlarge - Count: 2 - Price: $300
       Volume Type: gp3 - Total Size: 10299 GiB - Price: $2954
       Volume Type: st1 - Total Size: 88652 GiB - Price: $3989
       Volume Type: sc1 - Total Size: 500 GiB - Price: $8
       Volume Type: io2 - Total Size: 44 GiB - Price: $656
       # of AMIs: 4
 Region: us-east-2
   Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $0

FedoraGroup: logdetective - PriceSum: $12418
 Region: eu-west-1
   Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $481
       Instance Type: g4dn.xlarge - Count: 1 - Price: $429
       Volume Type: gp3 - Total Size: 220 GiB - Price: $52
 Region: us-east-1
   Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $11937
       Instance Type: g5.48xlarge - Count: 1 - Price: $11890
       Volume Type: gp3 - Total Size: 210 GiB - Price: $47

FedoraGroup: infra - PriceSum: $7575
 Region: ap-south-1
   Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $163
       Instance Type: c5d.xlarge - Count: 1 - Price: $145
       Volume Type: gp3 - Total Size: 8 GiB - Price: $18
       # of AMIs: 218
 Region: eu-south-1
   Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $0
       # of AMIs: 218
 Region: ca-central-1
   Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $0
       # of AMIs: 218
 Region: eu-central-1
   Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $3311
       Instance Type: c5d.xlarge - Count: 1 - Price: $162
       Instance Type: c5n.2xlarge - Count: 1 - Price: $359
       Instance Type: m5.xlarge - Count: 1 - Price: $168
       Instance Type: m6gd.4xlarge - Count: 1 - Price: $637
       Instance Type: m7g.2xlarge - Count: 1 - Price: $285
       Volume Type: gp3 - Total Size: 16723 GiB - Price: $1700
       # of AMIs: 218
 Region: us-west-1
   Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $245
       Instance Type: t3.medium - Count: 1 - Price: $36
       Instance Type: t2.xlarge - Count: 1 - Price: $161
       Volume Type: gp3 - Total Size: 120 GiB - Price: $48
       # of AMIs: 218
 Region: us-west-2
   Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $891
       Instance Type: m5.large - Count: 4 - Price: $280
       Instance Type: m6g.large - Count: 1 - Price: $56
       Instance Type: c5n.2xlarge - Count: 1 - Price: $315
       Instance Type: c6gd.xlarge - Count: 1 - Price: $112
       Volume Type: gp3 - Total Size: 600 GiB - Price: $123
       Volume Type: standard - Total Size: 100 GiB - Price: $5
       # of AMIs: 218
 Region: af-south-1
   Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $0
       Instance Type: c5d.xlarge - Count: 2 - Price: $0
       Volume Type: gp3 - Total Size: 25 GiB - Price: $0
       # of AMIs: 218
 Region: eu-north-1
   Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $0
       # of AMIs: 218
 Region: eu-west-3
   Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $0
       # of AMIs: 218
 Region: eu-west-2
   Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $187
       Instance Type: c5d.xlarge - Count: 1 - Price: $168
       Volume Type: gp3 - Total Size: 20 GiB - Price: $19
       # of AMIs: 218
 Region: eu-west-1
   Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $0
       # of AMIs: 218
 Region: ap-northeast-3
   Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $0
       # of AMIs: 218
 Region: ap-northeast-2
   Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $417
       Instance Type: c5n.2xlarge - Count: 1 - Price: $356
       Volume Type: gp3 - Total Size: 290 GiB - Price: $61
       # of AMIs: 218
 Region: me-south-1
   Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $0
       # of AMIs: 218
 Region: ap-northeast-1
   Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $0
       # of AMIs: 218
 Region: sa-east-1
   Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $955
       Instance Type: c5.2xlarge - Count: 1 - Price: $383
       Instance Type: c5n.2xlarge - Count: 1 - Price: $485
       Volume Type: gp3 - Total Size: 200 GiB - Price: $87
       # of AMIs: 218
 Region: ap-east-1
   Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $0
       # of AMIs: 218
 Region: ap-southeast-1
   Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $774
       Instance Type: c5n.2xlarge - Count: 2 - Price: $724
       Volume Type: gp3 - Total Size: 150 GiB - Price: $50
       # of AMIs: 218
 Region: ap-southeast-2
   Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $0
       # of AMIs: 218
 Region: ap-southeast-3
   Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $0
       # of AMIs: 218
 Region: us-east-1
   Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $421
       Instance Type: t3.medium - Count: 1 - Price: $30
       Instance Type: t3.small - Count: 1 - Price: $15
       Instance Type: c5.xlarge - Count: 1 - Price: $124
       Instance Type: t2.medium - Count: 2 - Price: $68
       Volume Type: gp3 - Total Size: 425 GiB - Price: $184
       # of AMIs: 218
 Region: us-east-2
   Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $211
       Instance Type: c5d.large - Count: 1 - Price: $70
       Instance Type: t2.micro - Count: 1 - Price: $8
       Instance Type: t3.medium - Count: 1 - Price: $30
       Instance Type: t2.medium - Count: 1 - Price: $34
       Volume Type: gp3 - Total Size: 113 GiB - Price: $69
       # of AMIs: 218

FedoraGroup: Not tagged - PriceSum: $5032
 Region: ap-south-1
   Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $0
       # of AMIs: 132
 Region: eu-south-1
   Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $0
       # of AMIs: 132
 Region: il-central-1
   Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $0
 Region: ca-central-1
   Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $0
       # of AMIs: 132
 Region: eu-central-1
   Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $0
       # of AMIs: 132
 Region: us-west-1
   Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $0
       # of AMIs: 132
 Region: us-west-2
   Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $646
       Instance Type: c6i.2xlarge - Count: 2 - Price: $496
       Volume Type: gp3 - Total Size: 744 GiB - Price: $150
       # of AMIs: 132
 Region: af-south-1
   Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $0
       # of AMIs: 132
 Region: eu-north-1
   Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $0
       # of AMIs: 132
 Region: eu-west-3
   Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $0
       # of AMIs: 132
 Region: eu-west-2
   Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $0
       # of AMIs: 132
 Region: eu-west-1
   Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $0
       # of AMIs: 132
 Region: ap-northeast-3
   Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $0
       # of AMIs: 132
 Region: ap-northeast-2
   Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $0
       # of AMIs: 132
 Region: me-south-1
   Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $0
       # of AMIs: 132
 Region: ap-northeast-1
   Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $0
       # of AMIs: 132
 Region: sa-east-1
   Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $0
       # of AMIs: 132
 Region: ap-east-1
   Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $0
       # of AMIs: 132
 Region: ap-southeast-1
   Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $0
       # of AMIs: 132
 Region: ap-southeast-2
   Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $0
       # of AMIs: 132
 Region: ap-southeast-3
   Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $0
       # of AMIs: 132
 Region: us-east-1
   Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $757
       Instance Type: c6a.2xlarge - Count: 2 - Price: $447
       Volume Type: gp3 - Total Size: 1000 GiB - Price: $110
       Volume Type: gp2 - Total Size: 2000 GiB - Price: $200
       # of AMIs: 132
 Region: us-east-2
   Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $3629
       Instance Type: c5.2xlarge - Count: 12 - Price: $2978
       Volume Type: gp2 - Total Size: 6050 GiB - Price: $605
       Volume Type: gp3 - Total Size: 200 GiB - Price: $46
       # of AMIs: 140

FedoraGroup: pyai - PriceSum: $3756
 Region: us-east-1
   Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $3756
       Instance Type: t2.large - Count: 1 - Price: $68
       Instance Type: i3.16xlarge - Count: 1 - Price: $3644
       Volume Type: gp3 - Total Size: 175 GiB - Price: $44

FedoraGroup: respins - PriceSum: $702
 Region: us-east-1
   Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $702
       Instance Type: c5.xlarge - Count: 1 - Price: $124
       Instance Type: c5.4xlarge - Count: 1 - Price: $496
       Volume Type: gp3 - Total Size: 650 GiB - Price: $82

FedoraGroup: centos-stream-osci - PriceSum: $571
 Region: ca-central-1
   Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $571
       Instance Type: m5d.large - Count: 5 - Price: $460
       Instance Type: t2.micro - Count: 1 - Price: $9
       Volume Type: gp3 - Total Size: 36 GiB - Price: $102

FedoraGroup: min - PriceSum: $471
 Region: eu-central-1
   Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $471
       Instance Type: t3.2xlarge - Count: 1 - Price: $280
       Volume Type: gp3 - Total Size: 1000 GiB - Price: $191

FedoraGroup: CentOS - PriceSum: $306
 Region: us-east-2
   Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $306
       Instance Type: m5.2xlarge - Count: 1 - Price: $280
       Volume Type: gp3 - Total Size: 140 GiB - Price: $26

FedoraGroup: abrt - PriceSum: $236
 Region: us-east-1
   Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $236
       Instance Type: t3a.2xlarge - Count: 1 - Price: $220
       Volume Type: gp3 - Total Size: 10 GiB - Price: $16

FedoraGroup: centos-stream-build - PriceSum: $8
 Region: ap-south-1
   Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $0
       # of AMIs: 54
 Region: eu-south-1
   Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $0
       # of AMIs: 54
 Region: il-central-1
   Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $0
       # of AMIs: 54
 Region: ca-central-1
   Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $0
       # of AMIs: 54
 Region: eu-central-1
   Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $0
       # of AMIs: 54
 Region: us-west-1
   Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $0
       # of AMIs: 54
 Region: us-west-2
   Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $0
       # of AMIs: 54
 Region: af-south-1
   Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $0
       # of AMIs: 54
 Region: eu-north-1
   Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $0
       # of AMIs: 54
 Region: eu-west-3
   Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $0
       # of AMIs: 54
 Region: eu-west-2
   Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $0
       # of AMIs: 54
 Region: eu-west-1
   Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $0
       # of AMIs: 54
 Region: ap-northeast-2
   Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $0
       # of AMIs: 54
 Region: me-south-1
   Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $0
       # of AMIs: 54
 Region: ap-northeast-1
   Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $0
       # of AMIs: 54
 Region: sa-east-1
   Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $0
       # of AMIs: 54
 Region: ap-east-1
   Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $0
       # of AMIs: 54
 Region: ap-southeast-1
   Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $0
       # of AMIs: 54
 Region: ap-southeast-2
   Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $0
       # of AMIs: 54
 Region: us-east-1
   Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $0
       # of AMIs: 54
 Region: us-east-2
   Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $8
       Instance Type: t2.micro - Count: 1 - Price: $8
       # of AMIs: 61

FedoraGroup: coreos - PriceSum: $0
 Region: ap-south-2
   Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $0
       # of AMIs: 360
 Region: ap-south-1
   Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $0
       # of AMIs: 508
 Region: eu-south-1
   Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $0
       # of AMIs: 486
 Region: eu-south-2
   Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $0
       # of AMIs: 360
 Region: me-central-1
   Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $0
       # of AMIs: 378
 Region: il-central-1
   Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $0
       # of AMIs: 256
 Region: ca-central-1
   Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $0
       # of AMIs: 508
 Region: eu-central-1
   Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $0
       # of AMIs: 508
 Region: eu-central-2
   Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $0
       # of AMIs: 360
 Region: us-west-1
   Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $0
       # of AMIs: 508
 Region: us-west-2
   Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $0
       # of AMIs: 508
 Region: af-south-1
   Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $0
       # of AMIs: 491
 Region: eu-north-1
   Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $0
       # of AMIs: 508
 Region: eu-west-3
   Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $0
       # of AMIs: 508
 Region: eu-west-2
   Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $0
       # of AMIs: 508
 Region: eu-west-1
   Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $0
       # of AMIs: 508
 Region: ap-northeast-3
   Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $0
       # of AMIs: 460
 Region: ap-northeast-2
   Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $0
       # of AMIs: 508
 Region: me-south-1
   Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $0
       # of AMIs: 504
 Region: ap-northeast-1
   Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $0
       # of AMIs: 508
 Region: sa-east-1
   Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $0
       # of AMIs: 508
 Region: ap-east-1
   Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $0
       # of AMIs: 504
 Region: ca-west-1
   Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $0
       # of AMIs: 170
 Region: ap-southeast-1
   Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $0
       # of AMIs: 508
 Region: ap-southeast-2
   Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $0
       # of AMIs: 508
 Region: ap-southeast-3
   Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $0
       # of AMIs: 424
 Region: ap-southeast-4
   Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $0
       # of AMIs: 256
 Region: us-east-1
   Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $0
       # of AMIs: 2283
 Region: ap-southeast-5
   Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $0
       # of AMIs: 60
 Region: us-east-2
   Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $0
       # of AMIs: 508

FedoraGroup: CPE - PriceSum: $0
 Region: ap-south-1
   Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $0
       # of AMIs: 2
 Region: eu-south-1
   Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $0
       # of AMIs: 2
 Region: ca-central-1
   Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $0
       # of AMIs: 2
 Region: eu-central-1
   Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $0
       # of AMIs: 2
 Region: us-west-1
   Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $0
       # of AMIs: 2
 Region: us-west-2
   Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $0
       # of AMIs: 2
 Region: af-south-1
   Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $0
       # of AMIs: 2
 Region: eu-north-1
   Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $0
       # of AMIs: 2
 Region: eu-west-3
   Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $0
       # of AMIs: 2
 Region: eu-west-2
   Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $0
       # of AMIs: 2
 Region: eu-west-1
   Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $0
       # of AMIs: 2
 Region: ap-northeast-2
   Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $0
       # of AMIs: 2
 Region: me-south-1
   Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $0
       # of AMIs: 2
 Region: ap-northeast-1
   Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $0
       # of AMIs: 2
 Region: sa-east-1
   Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $0
       # of AMIs: 2
 Region: ap-east-1
   Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $0
       # of AMIs: 2
 Region: ap-southeast-1
   Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $0
       # of AMIs: 2
 Region: ap-southeast-2
   Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $0
       # of AMIs: 2
 Region: us-east-1
   Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $0
       # of AMIs: 2
 Region: us-east-2
   Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $0
       # of AMIs: 2

FedoraGroup: ga-archives - PriceSum: $0
 Region: ap-south-1
   Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $0
       # of AMIs: 44
 Region: eu-south-1
   Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $0
       # of AMIs: 2
 Region: il-central-1
   Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $0
 Region: ca-central-1
   Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $0
       # of AMIs: 44
 Region: eu-central-1
   Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $0
       # of AMIs: 66
 Region: us-west-1
   Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $0
       # of AMIs: 66
 Region: us-west-2
   Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $0
       # of AMIs: 66
 Region: af-south-1
   Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $0
       # of AMIs: 4
 Region: eu-north-1
   Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $0
       # of AMIs: 2
 Region: eu-west-3
   Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $0
       # of AMIs: 8
 Region: eu-west-2
   Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $0
       # of AMIs: 44
 Region: eu-west-1
   Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $0
       # of AMIs: 66
 Region: ap-northeast-2
   Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $0
       # of AMIs: 44
 Region: me-south-1
   Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $0
       # of AMIs: 2
 Region: ap-northeast-1
   Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $0
       # of AMIs: 66
 Region: sa-east-1
   Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $0
       # of AMIs: 66
 Region: ap-east-1
   Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $0
       # of AMIs: 2
 Region: ap-southeast-1
   Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $0
       # of AMIs: 66
 Region: ap-southeast-2
   Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $0
       # of AMIs: 66
 Region: us-east-1
   Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $0
       # of AMIs: 66
 Region: us-east-2
   Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $0
       # of AMIs: 44

FedoraGroup: garbage-collector - PriceSum: $0
 Region: ap-southeast-1
   Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $0
       Volume Type: standard - Total Size: 6 GiB - Price: $0

FedoraGroup: CloudSIG - PriceSum: $0
 Region: ap-south-1
   Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $0
       # of AMIs: 175
 Region: eu-south-1
   Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $0
       # of AMIs: 175
 Region: ca-central-1
   Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $0
       # of AMIs: 175
 Region: eu-central-1
   Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $0
       # of AMIs: 175
 Region: us-west-1
   Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $0
       # of AMIs: 175
 Region: us-west-2
   Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $0
       # of AMIs: 175
 Region: af-south-1
   Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $0
       # of AMIs: 175
 Region: eu-north-1
   Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $0
       # of AMIs: 175
 Region: eu-west-3
   Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $0
       # of AMIs: 175
 Region: eu-west-2
   Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $0
       # of AMIs: 175
 Region: eu-west-1
   Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $0
       # of AMIs: 175
 Region: ap-northeast-3
   Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $0
       # of AMIs: 175
 Region: ap-northeast-2
   Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $0
       # of AMIs: 175
 Region: me-south-1
   Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $0
       # of AMIs: 175
 Region: ap-northeast-1
   Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $0
       # of AMIs: 175
 Region: sa-east-1
   Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $0
       # of AMIs: 175
 Region: ap-east-1
   Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $0
       # of AMIs: 175
 Region: ap-southeast-1
   Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $0
       # of AMIs: 175
 Region: ap-southeast-2
   Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $0
       # of AMIs: 175
 Region: ap-southeast-3
   Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $0
       # of AMIs: 175
 Region: us-east-1
   Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $0
       # of AMIs: 175
 Region: us-east-2
   Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $0
       # of AMIs: 175

This content is generated by

Miroslav Suchy, RHCA
Red Hat, Manager, Packit and CPT, #brno, #fedora-buildsys

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