Re: Ticket notifications in IRC

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On Tue, Jul 13, 2021 at 11:33:58AM -0700, Adam Williamson wrote:
> I do find the level of messages pretty overwhelming. Especially when
> we're getting stuff like "edited the priority fields of ticket blah"
> and "assigned ticket blah to blah". It does make it very difficult to
> see actual conversations in the backscroll.

Yeah, I think the current level is pretty crazy. 

> It does seem interesting that other groups don't do this and seem to
> function. We don't have all the QA-related trackers notifying #fedora-
> qa every time anyone touches a ticket, yet things still seem to work
> and the tickets aren't ignored...

Sure, and perhaps we should just drop all the messages to #fedora-apps?

Dunno. I guess it's all a matter of workflow. One thing I keep trying to
figure out how to prevent/reduce is what I think of as 'turning a pull
request into a push request'. (note: lots of people do this, I am not
singling anyone out!):

A: Hey, can you update foo for new bar?
B: Sorry, I am busy, can you submit a PR?
A: Sure!
...minutes pass...
A: Hey B! I filed PR#123456 for that. Can you merge it?
B: I'm still busy, but will look at it when I can, also CI is still
running on it.
...time passes...
A: Hey B: CI passed on PR#123456! can you merge it?

I don't know what the answer is to prevent that... I guess better
expectations on how long to wait for a PR to be merged/reviewed? 
Committing to reviewing all PR's daily or weekly? A culture of assuming
you can/should just submit a PR and let email notify people? 

Anyhow, I suppose thats a sidetrack on this orig topic... 
I'm happy to change the notifications on #fedora-apps however fedora
apps developers prefer. 


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