Re: IPAM/DCIM for Fedora Infrastructure

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This is a useful tool and one I could have used during the move.. However I
have a couple of concerns.

One issue is that we would only be able to use it as a reactive tool. We do
not control the physical layout, the network, the power and other items for
any of our 'clusters' of systems. For most of our systems in different
datacenters I have never seen where they are, how they are laid out, etc.

I didn't know that...

As someone used to have its servers at hand, this is new to me (and a bit strange, to be honest, but I suppose it's common in large environments)

Who does all that? (I mean, the tasks at the DC)

Instead I need to rely on different tools at each site to keep that data in
place (and for several places that can change regularly).
Which tools are those? Are they accessible to the fi-apprentice team?

Secondly I don't know how useful this data would be to apprentices if it
was kept up to date. The more data in it, the more we would need to lock it
down because it would contain non-disclosure data (various sites who lend
us systems have different rules for what information they consider
public/private.. what limited we have in ansible is generally what is
considered what we could share.)

So, is that information accesible only to some Fedora infra teams? To Red Hat employees? Do you have to sign some kind of NDA?

Other things like serial numbers of
systems are considered sensitive because they can be used to defraud our
warranty. [Having had parts ordered for a system we had under warranty to a
third party for resale is not something I want to deal with again.]

I have no words. Faith in humanity -1

Neither of these concerns are end-of-the-world but they need to be dealt
with in any plan to install this service somewhere and then populate it
with data.
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