Re: Please help me receive necessary rights to manage resources in AWS

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On Thu, May 28, 2020 at 02:03:44PM -0000, Andrei Stepanov wrote:
> Hello Fedora infra!
> I am writing to ask for your guidance regarding how to best secure the rights to manage AWS resources within AWS Fedora Federation.
> If you don't mind, could you please help me to understand what the best way to proceed would be?
> I would like to request that I be granted the necessary right in order to manage AWS resources in a Fedora account.
> So far, I have created an EKS cluster — but unfortunately, I cannot add any compute nodes to it. Also, I can't seem to create other resources, either.
> If it would help, I can provide you with an example:
> ```
> User: arn:aws:sts::125523088429:assumed-role/aws-fedora-ci/astepano is not authorized to perform: eks:TagResource on resource: arn:aws:eks:us-east-1:125523088429:cluster/astepano
> User: arn:aws:sts::125523088429:assumed-role/aws-fedora-ci/astepano is not authorized to perform: eks:CreateNodegroup on resource: arn:aws:eks:us-east-1:125523088429:cluster/astepano
> ```
> Could you please help me to figure out what the best way to proceed is?
> It is very hard to predict which rights are necessary beforehand.
> To give you a little bit of context, for example, I have the rights to manage EKS/EC2 -- but as you can see, AWS denies to act on my EKS cluster.
> Also, for example, it would be good to create a PVC/network to not collide with testing-farm.
> But unfortunately, I do not have the rights to create PVC/network/other resources.
> Also, for some fedora-ci projects EKS is not necessary, ECS/Fargate will be enough.
> I do not have rights to manage ECS/Fargate resources.
> It would help me a lot if you could please suggest a way to fix this problem. 
> I don't think that opening a new ticket for each denial would be the most efficient or best approach — is there another good way that we could handle this?
> I appreciate your insight.

Well, I think it would be good to explain what you are trying to do
first. I'm guessing setup a eks cluster for some purpose? 

We do have some policy already for that as testing-farm has been working
on that. Things like pvc/networks we typically create for you instead of
granting everyone ability to do that. :) 

I guess the best way forward is to have a ticket (which you already have
done) and then explain what all you are trying to do/need, and then I
find it best to setup a time to work on it interactively and get the
permissions tuned to what you need to do. That goes much better than
back and forth in a ticket or filing a bunch of tickets, IMHO. 

Also, it would be good to know your deadlines, as I am not sure how much
time I can devote to this over the coming few weeks, since our
datacenter move is coming up and I am spending all my time on that. 

Let us know and we can sort out how best to help you... 

Hope that makes sense. 


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